Create an omni chat template


Leverage omni chat templates to engage with your customers via bot. Using Omni Chat Templates, you can create auto-response to display your product information, asking the message recipient to choose from a predetermined set of options and more.In this article, we will cover the steps to create an omni chat template.

Steps to add an omni chat template

  1. Click the New tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon and select Assets under Sprinklr Social.

  2. Click Create Asset in the top right corner, and select Omni Chat Templates.

  3. In the Create New Asset window, enter Name and Description for the asset under Basic Details.

  4. Under Asset Specific, select a Channel from available channels (Apple Messages for Business, Facebook, Twitter, Google Business Messaging, Google RBM, Instagram, LINE, Sprinklr Live Chat, Sprinklr Live Stream Chat, Sprinklr Voice, WhatsApp Business, WeChat, Khoros Live Chat, Knowledge Base, and Viber).

  5. Based on the channel you selected, pick a Template Type from the dropdown.

  6. Based on the selected Template Type, you have to enter details in the given fields. You can view your created Chat Template in the right pane.

  7. Fill the required fields under Asset Details, Asset Sharing, and Properties.

  8. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

Channel - Template Type


Template Type


Question with Answers, Product, Multiple Products, Form, Quick Reply, Opt In


Button, Quick Reply


Carousal, Quick Reply

Google RBM

Card, Carousal, Quick Reply

Google Business Messaging

Card, Carousal, Quick Reply

Apple Messages for Business

Authentication, Form, iMessage, List Picker, Payment, Quick Reply, Time Picker, Rich Link


Card, Confirm, Carousel, Image Carousel,
Quick Reply

Sprinklr Live Chat

Card, Contact Details Form, Co-browse Invite, Carousel, Rich Text Carousel, Feedback, Quick Reply, Secure Form, Rich Text, Appointment, Survey, Product Card, Product Showcase Card, Info Card, Product Banner, Product List

Sprinklr Live Stream Chat

Promotional Banner, Join Stream Form

Sprinklr Voice

Voice Message

WhatsApp Business

List Picker, HSM, Geo Location, Contact, Card, Address, Request Location


Card, Service Messages

Khoros Live Chat

Card, Carousel

Knowledge Base

Button, List


Text, Carousel, Keyboard