Create an asset board


Creating Asset Manager Boards can help reduce the time that you spend finding assets that meet specific criteria and can come in handy when you find yourself applying the same filters again and again. This article will help you create asset boards.

What is an asset board?

Board is a saved filter configuration that you can access from the dashboard menu at any time. Saving a specific filter-set in the Asset Manager lets you eliminate the need to manually set these filters multiple times and instead access the filtered assets with a single click. This article details out steps on how to create one such Asset Board.

Steps to create an asset board

  1. Click the New tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon and select Assets under Sprinklr Social.

  2. Click the Filter icon on the top right-hand corner of the Asset Management window.

  3. Select the desired filters to save as a board, and click Save As New Board.

  4. Enter a Board Name and fill out additional Board Details and click Save.