YouTube Video Insights


You can leverage YouTube insights to learn more about overall trends across your followers and understand how your content is performing with your audience. You can also view insights for specific posts, stories and videos that you've created to see how each one performed and how people engaged with them.

Video Insights Metrics



YouTube Video Views

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that a video is viewed. It is updated instantly.

YouTube Video Views By Country

YouTube defines YouTube Video Views as the number of times that a video was viewed. YouTube Video Views by Country should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Paid Views

It is equal to the No. of Advertising views your post gets. The Analytics data is updated once a day (may have a delay of up to 72 hours).

YouTube Paid Views Trend

It is equal to the No. of Advertising views your post got. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Views Trend

Trend metrics aggregate YouTube metrics by day. This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Views. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

YouTube Video Views By Device

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that a video was viewed. This should be used with the Device Type dimension.

YouTube Video Views By Player Location

YouTube defines YouTube Video Views as the number of times that a video was viewed. YouTube Video Views by Player Location should be used in conjunction with the dimension YouTube Player Location.

YouTube Video Views By Referrer

As defined by YouTube, these metric aggregates View data based on the referrer type, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. This metric must be used in conjunction with the dimension YouTube Video Referrer.

YouTube Video Views Percentage By Demographics

This is a metric provided via the YouTube API. Google defines this as the percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching your video.

YouTube Video Shares

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users shared a video through the Share button.

YouTube Video Shares By Country

YouTube defines YouTude Video Shares as of the number of times that users shared a video through the Share button. YouTube Video Shares by Country should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Video Shares Trend

Trend metrics aggregate YouTube metrics by day. This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Shares. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

YouTube Video Likes

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating.

YouTube Video Likes By Country

As defined by YouTube, the metric Video Likes is the number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating. YouTube Video Likes by Country should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Video Likes Trend

Trend metrics aggregate YouTube metrics by day. This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Likes. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

YouTube Video Dislikes

As defined by YouTube this metric is the number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating.

YouTube Video Dislikes By Country

As defined by YouTube, Video Dislikes are the number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating. YouTube Video Dislikes by Country should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Video Dislikes Trend

Trend metrics aggregate YouTube metrics by day. This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Dislikes. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

YouTube Video Comments

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users comment on a video.

YouTube Video Comments By Country

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users comment on a video. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Video Comments Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average percentage of a video watched during video playback.

YouTube Comment Moderation Status

The Youtube Comment Moderation Status dimension is visible for YT Comment Replies type Inbound Message. The dimensions has either of these values: Published, Rejected or Held.

YouTube Video Average View Duration

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks.

YouTube Video Average View Duration Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Average View Percentage

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average percentage of a video watched during video playback.

YouTube Video Average View Percentage Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average percentage of a video watched during video playback. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Average View Percentage Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the average percentage of a video watched during video playback. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Estimated Minutes Watched Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, or video. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Post Video Views Trend

This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Views. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue

The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue By Country

The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements. This should be used with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Ad Impressions

The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Ad Impressions By Country

The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. This should be used with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Ad Impressions Trend

The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Playbacks

The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Playbacks By Country

The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. This should be used with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Per Thousand Playbacks Trend

The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Gross Revenue Trend

The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements.

YouTube Video Monetized Playbacks

The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%.

YouTube Video Monetized Playbacks By Country

The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0% This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Monetized Playbacks Trend

The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Earnings

The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising.

YouTube Video Earnings By Country

The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Earnings Trend

The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. This should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Ad Impressions

The number of verified ad impressions served.

YouTube Video Ad Impressions By Country

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions.

YouTube Video Annotation Close Rate Trend

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

CPV (Post)

Provided by the YouTube API and defined as Cost p/View.

CPV (Post) Trend

Provided by the YouTube API and defined as Cost p/View. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

Device Type

Indicates what Device Type was being used when viewing the video or while logging in.

Estimated Free YouTube Media Value (Video)

It is calculated by subtracting paid views from overall views and multiplying by CPV for that account.

Estimated Free YouTube Media Value (Video) Trend

It is calculated by subtracting paid views from overall views and multiplying by CPV for that account. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Favorites Removed Trend (Deprecated)

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users removed a video from their favorite video lists.

YouTube Player Location

YouTube defines this as the type of page or application where the video was viewed. This field will contain one of the following values: CHANNEL - views that occurred on a channel page. WATCH - views that occurred on the video's YouTube watch page. EMBEDDED - views occurred on another website or application where the video was embedded. MOBILE - views that occurred on YouTube's mobile website or on approved YouTube API clients, including mobile devices.

YouTube Video Favorites (Deprecated)

This is the net sum of Favorites Added to your YouTube video minus Favorites Removed.

YouTube Video Favorites Trend (Deprecated)

This is the net sum of Favorites Added to your YouTube video minus Favorites Removed. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the Date of engagement.

YouTube Video Favorites Added Trend (Deprecated)

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of times that users marked a video as a favorite video.

YouTube Video Favorites By Country (Deprecated)

YouTube video favorites are the difference between Favorites added and Favorited Removed. YouTube Video Favorites by Country should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country.

YouTube Video Unique Views (Deprecated)

As defined by YouTube, this metric is the number of unique viewers that watched a video.

YouTube Video Unique Views Trend (Deprecated)

Trend metrics aggregate YouTube metrics by day. This will provide a daily total number for all YouTube Video Unique Views. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Date.

Youtube Dimensions



Post-Video Duration

This metric will calculate the duration of the video.

YouTube Video Dimension

This dimension will evaluate the dimensions used in the video. For instance, a YouTube video may consist of a 1-Dimension(1D), 2-Dimension(2D), 3-Dimension(3D).

YouTube Video Title

This gives the title of the YouTube video.

Audio Language

This dimension will identify the language used in the video.

Has Custom Thumbnail

This dimension will identify if the video has a custom thumbnail or an automated thumbnail.

YouTube Video Tags

This dimension will identify if any tags are used when publishing media posts on YouTube.

Youtube Video Thumbnail

The URL of the native youtube thumbnail of the video.

YouTube Caption Available

This dimension will identify if captions are present in the YouTube video.

YouTube Video Playlist

As defined by YouTube, A playlist is a collection of videos that you can create with your uploads and other channel’s videos. This reporting dimension shows you how the public playlists you created are performing.

Youtube Video Referrer

As defined by YouTube, this dimension aggregates data based on the referrer type, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. It is called insightTrafficSourceType in the YouTube API. Definitions of each referral type can be found here:

This dimension must be used in conjunction with the metric YouTube Video Views by Referrer.

Referrer Details

YouTube defines this as additional information about the traffic referral source. This type of information that the field provides depends on the value of the Source Type: If the source type is a search results page (YT_SEARCH, GOOGLE_SEARCH), then the Detail field contains the search term(s) for that page. If the source type is another video (YT_RELATED), then the Detail field contains the YouTube video ID for that video. If the source type is another web page (EXT_URL, YT_OTHER_PAGE, NO_LINK_EMBEDDED), then the Detail field contains the URL of that page. If the source type is YT_OTHER_PAGE, then the Detail field actually contains a relative URL on YouTube's website. If the source type is a promotion (PROMOTED), then the Detail field specifies the type of promotion associated with the views.

YouTube Video Projection

This dimension will identify the projection used in a video. For instance, with the introduction of YouTube Shorts, both horizontal (or commonly called rectangular) and vertical projections are possible in YouTube.

YouTube Player Location

YouTube defines this as the type of page or application where the video was viewed. This field will contain one of the following values: CHANNEL - views that occurred on a channel page. WATCH - views that occurred on the video's YouTube watch page. EMBEDDED - views occurred on another website or application where the video was embedded. MOBILE - views that occurred on YouTube's mobile website or on approved YouTube API clients, including mobile devices.

Is Licensed Content

This dimension will identify if there is any license present in the video.