HomeSprinklr MarketingSocial Advertising


Centralize multichannel social advertising and boost ROAS by over 50%

Streamline advertising campaign management across 10+ social channels with features like automated workflows, AI-powered optimization, comprehensive cross-channel reporting and enterprise-grade governance, all on Sprinklr’s unified AI-powered platform.
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The only end-to-end platform built for enterprise advertising teams

Replace multiple tools with one unified platform

Unified platform

Streamline campaign planning, collaboration, execution, optimization and reporting, all under one roof.

Manage all your channels from a single place

Broad channel coverage

Manage paid social campaigns across 10+ social channels with reporting across paid, owned and earned media.


AI-powered campaign optimization

Use actionable AI-powered insights for better budget allocation, bidding, boosting and ad rotation.


Unified taxonomy

Create custom taxonomy for creatives, audiences, campaign setup and analytics to gain insights and make decisions aligned to your goals.


AI-powered creative optimization

Uncover deep insights into ad content and creative elements so you can test, optimize and produce winning ads at scale.


Enterprise-grade governance

Centralize global governance and compliance frameworks with roles and access control, approval workflows and audit trails.

Build impactful ad creatives at scale

Leverage AI-powered creative insights

Use AI-powered creative taxonomy to analyze your creatives across visual parameters, identify performance drivers and craft ads that resonate with your audience.

Insight-led creatives

Create and personalize ads at scale

Drive faster creative production with bulk ad creation from a central data feed. Create personalized ads for different audience groups and markets using dynamic image and video ad templates.

Production at scale

Streamline your asset library with a robust asset manager

Leverage a centralized Digital Asset Manager (DAM) to manage your library of ad creatives. Identify and reuse high-performing assets and minimize production costs.

Smart asset management

Ensure teams are in sync and nurture collaboration

Sprinklr helps teams collaborate via comments and mentions within the platform, minimizing the need for multiple communication tools and giving teams a single source of truth.

Built-in collaboration

Consolidate campaign insights across channels

View holistic paid and organic reporting

Reduce time to uncover insights with unified reporting across paid social and organic initiatives.

Unified cross-channel reporting

Align reporting to your business goals

Measure custom-defined KPIs that align with your business goals.

Business-specific KPIs

Uncover comments on paid posts

Access and manage comments on paid posts for better audience engagement and brand protection.

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Ad comment moderation

Automate campaign optimization with AI

Create and launch winning ad assets dynamically

Leverage AI to identify winning combinations of creative elements, dynamically optimize ads and show the most impactful ones to your target audience.

Dynamic creative optimization

Automate bidding, budget handling and asset rotation

Optimize ads and campaign performance with AI-powered smart bidding, dynamic budget allocation and automated pacing control. Minimize wasted spend and ad fatigue with automatic rotation of ads.

Campaign optimization strategies

Create engaging content faster with Generative AI

With Sprinklr AI+, generate compelling ad copies instantly and translate across languages with one click. Effortlessly edit or reformat copy and use custom prompts to improve ad quality.

Generative AI-powered content

Enable a kill switch to cut off low-impact ads

Protect ROAS by automatically pausing risky ads based on predetermined benchmarks or market events and alerting teams.

Auto-pause ads

Turn advertising effort into measurable business impact

Improve ROAS

Sprinklr has helped a global automobile manufacturer improve ad click-through rates by 1.5x, increasing ROAS by 55%.

Execute efficiently, at scale

The world's largest alcoholic beverages company recovered $1.2M of re-investable marketing budget with Sprinklr.

Protect the brand

A global media and entertainment company centralized and governed 100+ ad accounts across 30 regional markets on Sprinklr.