Forrester Webinar


Revolutionizing Contact Center 

Efficiencies with AI: Featuring Forrester 

Now available on-demand

Max Ball

Featured Guest
Principal Analyst

Paul Herman

Senior Vice President

Forrester Webinar - Image + Content (Drill down 3 Image)

Embark on a transformative journey with Paul Herman, visionary leader at Sprinklr, and guest speaker Max Ball, esteemed Forrester principal analyst, in our exclusive webinar, unveiling the intricacies of contact center efficiency, addressing customer service challenges, and unlocking opportunities to shape the customer experience landscape. 

Explore a unique opportunity to redefine your customer engagement dynamics and elevate customer satisfaction as Max and Paul unravel these complexities, presenting actionable insights backed by the Forrester Consulting opportunity snapshot commissioned by Sprinklr. 

Key Learnings

Balancing the Act of Efficiency & 
Customer Satisfaction

Real-world examples that redefine the status quo. Discover ways to make interactions easy for both customers and agents.

Transforming Cost Centers into 
Profit Centers

Success stories providing a blueprint for elevating your contact center's role beyond mere cost management. Gain insights into how a comprehensive approach positively impacts customer satisfaction and overall business success. 

Harnessing the 
Power of Data

Practical examples of challenges in data integration, emphasizing the importance of actionable insights. 

Breaking Silos: Making AI Work 
in Contact Centers

Understand the importance of breaking silos and fostering collaboration to make AI seamless and impactful. 


⏰ 25 mins - Fireside Chat with Paul Herman & Max Ball
⏰ 10 mins - Live Chat Q/A
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