Nivedita Bharathy

Content Marketer, Sprinklr

Nivedita Bharathy is a content writer at Sprinklr. An AI enthusiast and avid reader, she discovered her passion for the written and spoken word early on. With experience as a marketing professional at AI startups, incubators, and enterprise-level SaaS organizations, she pursued a master’s in international business at Boston University. She is upskilled in email marketing, product marketing, and content strategy through university programs and other organizations. At Sprinklr, she focuses on creating content that resonates deeply with audiences.

Unveiling the Future of CX – The Balance Between AI and the Human Touch

Unveiling the Future of CX – The Balance Between AI and the Human Touch

How can CX professionals leverage Gen AI to build better customer experiences? Learn how they can find the right balance between AI and the human touch for better CX.

Nivedita Bharathy
July 23, 2024