Unified-CXM Experience
The Unified-CXM Experience Podcast by Sprinklr CXO Grad Conn.

Do you understand the product or service you’re selling? I mean, really understand it? Annie Wissner, CMO at Whispir, leads by example to make sure the Whispir marketing team understands the product inside and out.
March 1, 2022

Review sites are probably among the first places your prospects go when researching your product or service, and yet these sites are typically an afterthought in most marketing plans.
February 23, 2022

We’re back with our continuing Sprinklr Marketing Plan series. Today it’s all about analyst relations, a critical, yet often overlooked, part of your marketing plan.
February 15, 2022

Ever wonder what’s going through the mind of a CMO? The issues they’re thinking about, and the problems keeping them up at night? Today we learn what CMOs are reading, and what they’re posting about.
February 10, 2022

Jordan Neuhauser, CMO at Trulli Audio, has a passion for music that is matched only by his passion for authentic customer engagement.
February 2, 2022

The key to success for a marketer is to always be learning. And the key to learning is to read. In today’s episode I review some of my favorite marketing and advertising books — from new releases to timeless classics.
January 31, 2022

Continuing our sprinklr marketing plan series, we’re looking at the 3rd Moment of Truth — the immediate reaction of a customer actually trying your product or service.
January 27, 2022

In part 2 of my conversation with influencer relations expert, Marshall Kirkpatrick, we answer the pivotal question, “why do I even need an influencer marketing program?”
January 26, 2022

Authentic, genuine relationships between brands and influencers can benefit everyone involved. Today, I talk with influencer relations expert Marshall Kirkpatrick about the three stages of building an influencer relations program.
January 25, 2022

We’re taking a quick break from our Sprinklr Marketing Plan series to talk about a fascinating article I recently read. It’s an insightful look at ways to address the complexity of B2B selling, and more than worthy of a Unified-CXM episode.
January 21, 2022

Part 2 of our deep dive into the sprinklr marketing plan where we explore the “First Moment of Truth,” the point in time when a potential customer first encounters your product.
January 20, 2022

Today we kick off a multi-part series where we’ll look at the marketing plan of the future, and why you need to shift your thinking from a broadcast focus, to a conversation focus.
January 19, 2022