Unified-CXM Experience
The Unified-CXM Experience Podcast by Sprinklr CXO Grad Conn.

Procter & Gamble has been in business for more than 180 years. Clearly, they’re doing a lot of things right. And one of those things is their persuasive selling format.
March 23, 2021

We talk a lot about experiences here. But “experience” transcends digital engagement. There are life experiences too, which is why we’re kicking off a regular Monday feature.
March 22, 2021

Every breath you take. We started the week with three episodes with Neha Saxena, also known as The Breath Yogi. Neha shared stories about her remarkable journey from India to the North Carolina, and taught us a little bit about the benefits of proper bre…
March 21, 2021

My good friend and peer Carlos Dominguez has done something amazing. He has written a book. An entire book about a philosophy he calls TechNowism.
March 19, 2021

We’re 100! In podcast episode years, anyway. To commemorate this centennial milestone, we pause to look at a few iconic brands which are also celebrating their 100th this year.
March 18, 2021

Today we wrap up our discussion with Neha Saxena as we talk about brain science and how to manage those triggers that hijack our prefrontal cortex. Plus, I finally share my two-trip philosophy which is pretty much guaranteed to change your mindset and lo…
March 17, 2021

The hero’s journey is a classic story structure where a literary character overcomes conflict to reach stasis, and is transformed in the process. In part 2 of our interview with Neha Saxena, the Breath Yogi, we look at her real-life hero’s journey, and h…
March 16, 2021

Today we welcome Neha Saxena, aka, The Breath Yogi, as we launch a (semi) regular Monday feature on mindfulness. But before we do that, we’re going to take a few episodes to get to know Neha, including the movie-worthy twists and turns, coincidences, and…
March 15, 2021

Monday was International Women’s Day, and we celebrated in style with a two-part interview with Sepi Saidi, founder and CEO at SEPI, Inc. Sepi is thoughtful, informative, and inspiring. If you missed it the first time around, now is your chance to catch …
March 12, 2021

One of the greatest gifts management can give to a team is the gift of consistency. The team needs to know what you want to see, and how you want to see it. Procter & Gamble, the world’s largest consumer goods company, has mastered this principle through…
March 12, 2021

People love to receive. But they also love to give. When considering experiences, don’t think only about what you’re giving someone — think about what you can enable them to give to others. For example, I love driving my DeLorean. But people around me se…
March 11, 2021

We kick off today’s episode with some well-deserved grammar corrections. Then it’s a trip to Walmart as I recount my COVID vaccination experience. Finally, we wrap up our two-part series on QAnon with a look at guided apophenia — the tendency to see conn…
March 10, 2021