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Best Customer Experience Platforms in 2024 (+Pricing)

September 3, 202428 MIN READ

Your customers don’t want to just buy your product, they want to buy into your brand itself. But here’s the problem: too often, customer experience (CX) and branding often work in silos, end up on separate tracks and do not quite deliver what they promise.  

Imagine you're shopping for your favorite coffee. You're not just buying a bag of beans, right? You're choosing that brand because of what it stands for — maybe it's sustainability, quality, or community. But if the CX feels, that’s supposed to be holistic, feels broken, at every twist and turn during your journey with the brand, you might feel let down. This disconnect in CX leaves users feeling a bit left out in the cold. So, bringing CX into the fold with your brand's core promise is downright essential, not just nice-to-have. 

So, holistic customer experience software helps you bridge the gap between what a brand promises and what it delivers. When evaluating these customer experience platforms, think about a few key aspects: Does the tool integrate seamlessly with your brand message? Does the tool simplify the customer journey, removing clutter and confusion?  

In this article, we list out the 7 best customer experience software for you to choose from, along with their key benefits, market perceptions, price, trial information and of course, our final verdicts. Let’s begin. 

What is customer experience software? 

Customer experience software is a suite of tools designed to manage and improve how customers interact with a company throughout their entire journey. This software captures interactions across multiple channels — whether it's via email, phone, web, or in-person — to provide a unified view of the customer. It allows companies to track, oversee and organize every interaction between a customer and the organization through analytics and real-time data insights. 

The goal of CX software is to optimize these interactions to increase customer loyalty and retention by making the experience smoother and more responsive. Features typically include customer self-service, feedback collection and omnichannel customer service. By using CX software, businesses can better understand customer needs, detect friction points and deliver a service that feels both personal and efficient, leading to a more satisfying customer relationship. 

Why are customer experience platforms essential for modern businesses? 

Not only is optimizing customer experiences for the weak of the heart, but also is keeping track of each experience, at each touchpoint. Customer interactions are often spilled all over the place and making sense of them all can be tricky. That’s what customer experience platforms help with. Here are the benefits of using a customer experience tool for your business. 

🚀 Fast, automated, omnichannel support: The idea to use a CX tool is to ensure every conversation is attended to and nothing flies under the radar. Conversational bots cut down on customer response times so you’re able to log and address every interaction across channels, without loss in context. 

For example, imagine Ally, a makeup enthusiast, visits an offline beauty store to check out the newly launched lip kit line. She engages with representatives, gives them info and tests products. When she goes back home, the WhatsApp bot drops her a message thanking her for the visit and is already privy to the context and knows what Ally loved the best, offering her a 20% early bird discount --- making it likely for her to go through with the purchase. 

🤝 Customer loyalty and retention: CX platforms help you keep a pulse on every interaction so you can reduce customer churn. With experience seen as the one differentiator by brands worldwide, customer experience tools allow you to course-correct and personalize customer engagement, helping your brand stand out. 

For example, say, a bank uses its CX platform to analyze the spending habits and financial goals of its customers. It consolidates data from multiple touchpoints — branch visits, online transactions and mobile app usage. The platform identifies a group of customers with steadily increasing account balances but little to no recent investment activity.  

The bank seizes this opportunity to reach out with a well-informed proposal. It suggests potential investment options like a low-risk investment fund or a term deposit, tailored to their unique cases. 

🧠 Agent efficiency: Many CX tools come equipped with AI to help your contact center agents deflect repetitive, mundane queries so they can focus on what’s critical. What’s more is that generative AI in customer experience can even assist agents in staying true to brand voice, accuracy and compliance. 

Let’s see how conversational AI in telecom helps make agents more productive.  

The AI acts like a smart filter, triaging through incoming issues to find and bring urgent ones, such as service disruptions, to the forefront. When an agent takes on one of these critical cases, they aren't starting cold — they already see case histories and details such as recent service changes or recurring issues on their dashboard. This proactive information delivery cuts down on the typical hunt-and-peck for details, enabling agents to address the problem directly. 

Customer experience software vs. Customer service software 


Customer Experience Software 

Customer Service Software 

Primary Focus  

Enhancing the entire customer journey from acquisition to retention  

Resolving individual customer support requests and issues  

Data Integration  

Integrates data from various sources (web, social, CRM, mobile) to create a unified customer profile  

Centralizes support data (tickets, chats, emails) for managing support cases  


Customizes experiences based on customer behavior, preferences and segmentation 

Personalizes support based on interaction history and CRM data  

Feedback Collection  

Gathers feedback through surveys, sentiment analysis and experience studies to refine the customer journey  

Collects feedback from post-interaction surveys and ticket ratings to assess support quality  


Improve user satisfaction and loyalty by optimizing and personalizing the complete customer experience  

Efficiently resolve support issues and ensure timely solutions  

Automation Capabilities  

Automates personalized communication, journey orchestration and experience adjustments based on data  

Automates ticket routing, response templates, and case management for support efficiency  


Analyzes data from various touchpoints to identify overall customer behavior and trends. For example, it tracks user interactions to predict future needs  

Focuses on operational data like ticket resolution times and agent performance to improve support efficiency. For example, it tracks average handle time and response rates 

10 top customer experience software in 2024  

Here’s a collection of customer experience software for you to evaluate and choose from. 

⚠️ Important Note for Readers  

The below tools are in no particular order of ranking or popularity. Still, they are independent picks by Sprinklr’s editorial team based on our research and publicly available information on the review sites. It is crucial to note that software or platforms may evolve over time and the company may address some of these concerns in newer updates or versions.



Sprinklr is one of the best customer experience management platforms that addresses a fundamental challenge of CX: data fragmentation. Unlike many tools that operate in silos, Sprinklr brings together customer data from over 30 messaging, live chat, social and app channels into a single, cohesive platform to ensure each and every interaction that a customer has with you is holistic and informed with context and knowledge that goes unnoticed as fine print. It does so with its four specialized suites that come together to enhance every aspect of the customer experience. 

What’s important to understand is that at its heart, Sprinklr’s power is fueled by its proprietary AI model. This advanced technology processes vast amounts of data to generate actionable consumer insights. Here's how it makes a difference: 

  • Daily predictions: Sprinklr’s AI engine makes around 10 billion predictions daily, analyzing interactions to forecast trends and behaviors accurately. 
  • Customer case management: It handles more than 15 million customer cases each month, providing timely responses and resolutions. 
  • Profile management: The platform manages over 2 billion profiles across all digital channels, ensuring comprehensive customer understanding and engagement. 

🚀 Top features 

1. Watertight omnichannel support

When it comes to Sprinklr, you can rest easy knowing no piece of consumer intelligence slips through the cracks. To ensure every interaction racks in minimal customer effort scores, you need all your internal tools (like CRM, marketing automation and research tools) to talk to each other. Sprinklr dissolves point-solution chaos to help you deliver consistent omnichannel customer experiences to all your customers at every single touchpoint, without fail, each time. 

2. Single-code AI infrastructure 

Sprinklr AI records 90% accuracy across its product suites.  

  • In customer service, Sprinklr AI can autonomously handle most of your customer conversations in natural language, empower agents with Assist features that make their lives easier, automate workforce management and ensure quality control with its cutting-edge capabilities. 
  • In marketing by refining content strategies and optimizing budgets for better campaign results. It automates content approval to ensure brand consistency.  
  • In social media, it uses AI to swiftly manage messages, enforce compliance, track brand mentions and spot user-generated content opportunities through logo detection. 
  • Sprinklr’s AI also delivers real-time, actionable insights with advanced Consumer and Brand Intelligence. It eases data flow across teams, ensuring the right information reaches the right people when needed. From social listening to managing customer feedback, Sprinklr’s AI keeps you informed and ready to act. 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“I find it very intuitive. The integration of social networks is often assertive and automatic. It's clear to see how quickly the platform can upload interactions in real time to social networks. It's always comforting to know that the team working with us is trained and concerned about details. They are committed to understanding the particularityof the accounts and how to offer the best customer experience. The tool allows us to innovate in dashboards and management-level views.” Source 

💡 What could be better “There is a steep learning curve in the use of the platform, the building and enhancements, and as a team that likes to be hands on and self-sufficient - the upskilling of our SME's internally took much longer than anticipated.” Source 

Verdict: Sprinklr’s capabilities are vast and thorough, making it a trusted partner for nine out of 10 global brands, that make up most of Fortune 500. For businesses looking to overhaul their customer experiences that brew chatter in the market, Sprinklr is a very reliable pioneer in the CX space. The only potential downside for some might be the cost. Since deep capabilities are rife with the tool, it may be perceived as a little on the higher end of the price. 

Price: $249 (1 seat/month, billed annually). Check full pricing.

Free trial: Sprinklr offers a 30-day Free Trial        


Zendesk is an AI-powered platform designed to optimize customer experience across all touchpoints. It enables rapid setup and seamless scaling, making it adaptable to evolving needs. Zendesk's AI enhances customer interactions by providing real-time insights and automating workflows. It supports personalized service through tools for omnichannel management, from social messaging to email and phone and integrates with over 1,200 apps, all while being easy to implement and adjust. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Omnichannel support to ensure holistic platform coverage
  • Ticket and case management for efficient case handling
  • Reporting and dashboards to strategically empower teams

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“Zendesk Support is very customizable in every aspect, allowing for unique workflows for different teams across any organization. Easy to train agents how to use and provide a dynamic service environment” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“At times it has been difficult to get a hold of Zendesk support, but this has become less of an issue recently. Sometimes the abundance of features that we don't use can overwhelm us while trying to find specific configurations.” Source

Verdict: Zendesk offers a solid package with smart AI tools, productivity features and over 1,000 integrations to handle all your communication needs. It’s a great choice for managing multiple channels, especially as your business grows. However, keep in mind that adding more features can drive up the cost. Many of our smaller clients find that while Zendesk’s features are fantastic, the bill can get a bit hefty. Users also report losing some basic reporting and live support options from their basic plan, which could be a bit of a letdown. 

Pricing: Basic plan at $55 per agent/month. Offers multiple plans.

Free trial: Available for 14 days 

👉 Check this out: Zendesk vs. Sprinklr      


Intercom’s customer service software offers a range of features designed to enhance the customer experience. It lets businesses set up multilingual help centers, so customers from different regions can self-serve. With tools for managing workloads and assigning tasks, it ensures that issues reach the right agents efficiently. The top-tier plan includes SSO and identity management integrations for secure data access. 

🚀 Top features 

  • AI-first agent assist and copilot to equip live agents with handy assistance 
  • Customizations to fit with your objectives and maintain your brand integrity 
  • Workflow automation to ensure standardized experience 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“As a product marketer, the ability to pin point specific segments of users to launch a wide variety of messages, pop-ups, chat bubbles, news articles, etc, makes it really easy to reach our customers and provide a consistent and seamless experience for them. Intercom makes it really simple to create a unified in-app and help center experience for our customers.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“The pay per email sent (for customer engagement emails) pricing could be less expensive. I'd like to see the dark mode across the whole app, rather than only help desk. On rare occasions, there are momentary lapses, but they are quickly sorted out.” Source 

Verdict: Intercom is strong with its advanced automation and a standout AI chatbot that really helps with customer interactions. It makes custom reporting easy and is user-friendly for support teams. However, it’s a bit pricey for smaller businesses or solo operators. Users report wanting a more refined and optimized version for mobile phones — as it’s not as polished as the desktop version. Overall, it’s a solid choice for mid-sized to large companies. 

Price: $39 per seat/month 

Free trial: Available for 14 days  


Podium simplifies customer interactions with tools for text marketing, payment handling, review collection, live chat and an integrated agent inbox. With AI-driven responses available around the clock, Podium boosts lead conversion and revenue. Its tiered plans offer everything from basic contact management to advanced features and automation, making it a solid choice for diverse business needs. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Unified inbox to prevent siloed communication 
  • Self-service for customers to fetch answers independently 
  • Lead management to drive more targeted conversions 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“I like that we are able to text our clients and have a record of all our conversations without having to worry about them being accidentally deleted. I also like that it provides an instant way to communicate with our clients and syncs with our social media and Google accounts. It was easy to get all of our team members set up and ready to text our clients. I like that our clients are able to text us as well to one central number and our entire team is able to see it and keep track of the conversations. We use it every day.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“We felt that the Podium support is a bit slower compared to industry standards. Maybe this was just in our case but sharing my personal experience here.” Source 

Verdict: Podium brings all your customer communication into one convenient platform, making it easy to handle messaging, reviews and feedback. It's a solid choice for managing experiences with stealth and improving response efficiency. While the initial learning curve is minor, users often report a lack of extensive customization options. All in all, Podium could be great to simplify your customer engagement, though it may be a bit limited for businesses needing deep personalization. 

Price: Starts at $399 per month  


Qualtrics XM is a tool designed to optimize customer interactions by combining surveys, feedback and data into one platform, giving businesses a clear view of customer experiences. From tracking brand performance to diving deep into user experience, Qualtrics XM helps you respond swiftly to market shifts and fine-tune your strategy with actionable insights. 

🚀 Top features

  • Customizations to align with business goals 
  • Feedback management to derive consumer insights 
  • Employee engagement to improve productivity and satisfaction 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“Qualtrics customer experience is a great online survey platform to measure customer experience. Easy to create interactive surveys using the drag-and-drop functionality and can easily be customized in many ways. The large variety of question types and branching logic. The tool also gives feedback to surveys and it's easy to set up NPS dashboards for each department in our organization that enables us to track results very easily.” Source 

💡What could be better 

“Sometimes the loading takes a very long time, or Qualtrics doesn't save all of the questions I created. It can be difficult to edit things as it seems the site glitches at times.” Source 

Verdict: Qualtrics XM shines with its strong focus on actionable insights and automation, making it easier to respond quickly to customer needs. The diverse survey options and real-time tweaks are a big plus. That said, the dashboards could also use a bit more flair in terms of visualization to compete with tools like Tableau or PowerBI. Navigating help articles can also be tricky and some users say setting up workflows can take longer than expected.

On the other hand, building guided workflows on Sprinklr is a breeze, thanks to its no-code, drag-and-drop interface. You can design them once and seamlessly scale across different communities and languages. Plus, you never have to start from scratch — just tweak existing workflows to suit new needs or languages, saving time and effort. 

Sprinklr guided workflows

Price: Contact sales  


Freshdesk, by Freshworks Inc. gathers requests from email, web, phone, chat, messaging and social media into a unified ticketing system, making it easy to manage interactions across channels. With smart automation and AI, it streamlines case handling, prioritization and agent support. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Omnichannel suite for widespread reach 
  • Advanced ticketing for sharp case management 
  • Powerful security management to ensure no data breaches 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“As a daily user, what I appreciate most about Freshdesk is its user-friendly interface, the impressive new AI summarize feature, and the comprehensive integration of tickets, chats, phone, and knowledge base, all in one platform. Additionally, their great support team adds immense value to the overall experience, providing excellent assistance and guidance when needed.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“There aren't very many things that I dislike about Freshdesk. If I had to be picky, it would be that they have spam sensors that get tripped up when our users post any kind of URL, and the ticket is basically ignored and messages are thrown in the bit bucket, which is not a great experience for either us or our users. On the other hand, this means that they take security very seriously, so it's difficult to fault them for this. I just wish it was handled a little differently.” Source  

Verdict: Freshdesk is a solid choice for many businesses, offering a user-friendly interface and strong automation features that streamline workflows and reduce manual tasks. However, some users report issues with bugs and service interruptions. Integration with existing systems can be challenging, so checking compatibility is key. While customization options are robust and support is generally responsive, the Help Center can sometimes be outdated. 

Price: Offers a free plan. The most popular is the Pro plan - $48.99/per agent/month - billed annually 

Free trial: Available for 14 days   


HubSpot's Service Hub enhances customer experience with AI-driven tools, offering a unified help desk and robust self-service options. It delivers clear efficiency reports alongside deep insights into customer health, helping teams make informed decisions to improve retention and streamline interactions. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Conversational AI for effective self-service 
  • Case management and email ticketing 
  • Access management to avoid unauthorized entries 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“We have a consolidated view of all customer interactions in one context. The chat flows are very helpful for routing tickets to different customer service representatives and allow them to gather all the necessary context to improve operational efficiency by reducing the initial response time.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“I'm not really sure how automation and reporting tools can be implemented to help us, so I usually leave those pages alone. The tickets hub is great, but the organization can get a little messy and tickets can get buried if there's too many opened ones.” Source 

Verdict: HubSpot Service Hub stands out with its intuitive interface, strong features, and excellent customer support. Its seamless integration with other HubSpot tools helps streamline workflows, enabling effective service delivery. However, occasional disruptions from updates and a somewhat complex interface for customization are notable drawbacks. 

Price: Starts at $15/month/seat for SMEs 

Free trial: Free version available  


Birdeye is a versatile platform designed for both local and multi-location businesses looking to boost their online reputation and manage customer interactions seamlessly. It helps businesses get noticed online with tools for managing reviews, social media and customer communications — all from one place. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Omnichannel customer support to cover all bases 
  • Historical and instant reporting empowers teams with sharp insights 
  • Survey management system for real-time feedback gathering 

Customer testimonials 

💪What works best 

“Birdeye has been an invaluable tool for the consolidation of multiple messaging channels, online profiles and review management. I have seen an increase in the number of reviews we are generating and have saved a lot of time updating office details. The support team are always courteous and helpful and are quick to resolve any issues.” Source 

💡What could be better 

“One minor drawback we've encountered is the inability to reply to OpenTable reviews directly through BirdEye. Instead, we are required to log in to our OpenTable account separately to respond to these reviews. While this process adds an extra step, we understand that it's a limitation that may be addressed in future updates.” Source 

Verdict: Birdeye really helps streamline how you handle social media. Being able to schedule posts for all your accounts in one go from a single calendar is a huge time-saver and cuts down on the hassle. Plus, their customer support team is always on the ball — quick to respond whenever you need help. The platform also offers a ton of integrations, which is great for keeping everything connected. On the downside, there’s no free trial or plan, so you can’t try before you buy, and it’s on the pricier side. If the budget fits, Birdeye could be a solid choice, but it’s worth weighing the cost against the benefits. 

Price: Contact for pricing 


Gainsight offers a solid platform tailored to improve customer experience management. Its Gainsight CS tool provides a comprehensive view of your customers, making it easier to boost product adoption, reduce churn and build customer communities. Top companies widely use it for its ability to deliver real-time insights into customer behaviors and sentiments.  

🚀 Top features 

  • Unified profiles for a 360-degree view of the customer 
  • Customer health scorecards for pre-emptive detection of potential churn 
  • Robust security for high data privacy and protection  

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“Using Gainsight is my team's source of truth. Not only am I able to keep track of our customer base and key metrics, but I am able to hold myself to account with the tool. I like how customizable the platform is, and I am able to see what I need when starting off my workday.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“Gainsight has come a long way with their user interface but there are still some admin features that are click heavy and some error messages that aren't informative enough, requiring an admin to contact Gainsight support.” Source 

Verdict: Gainsight does a great job at letting you customize how you manage customer data. It turns into a real powerhouse for your team, giving you all the customer insights you need right at your fingertips. This makes things way more efficient for managers who don’t have to chase down details anymore. On the flip side, Gainsight can be a bit tricky to get the hang of. Finding the right settings and understanding some of the complex processes can be a head-scratcher. 

Price: Contact Gainsight 

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central brings customer experience to the forefront for small to medium-sized businesses. It integrates customer interactions across finance, sales, service and operations into one easy-to-use platform, making it simpler to deliver great service and make precise, data-driven decisions. 

🚀 Top features 

  • Workflow automation for standardized service delivery 
  • User, role and access management for conditional information relay 
  • Robust security backed by Microsoft Cloud 

Customer testimonials 

💪 What works best 

“I like how it easily connects with other Microsoft tools like Office 365, making it super convenient. It has everything you need for managing finances, operations, sales, and customer service in one place. Plus, it’s user-friendly and can be customized to fit your business perfectly. Being cloud-based, it’s accessible from anywhere and can grow with your business.” Source 

💡 What could be better 

“Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central becomes a bit advanced platform for some users, especially when connecting additional applications to expand the workflow, and they might need to spend more time on product training.” Source 

Price: Plans start at $70.00/user/month 

Free trial: Available for 30 days 

How to choose the right customer experience tool

Many businesses end up with a jumble of different tools — one for marketing, another for support and yet another for analytics. While this piecemeal approach seems like a quick fix, it often results in fragmented data and inconsistent experiences. To avoid these pitfalls and make the most of your CX tool, consider these key factors: 

1. Consider data integration 

The whole point of using customer experience software is for you to marry all your interactions to paint a cohesive picture of the experiences you deliver. That can only happen when it integrates with all your tech stack seamlessly. Consider the following factors: 

  • API support: Does the tool provide comprehensive APIs for seamless integrations? Evaluate the API documentation for details on endpoints, data formats and authentication methods to ensure compatibility and ease of connection. 
  • Pre-built connectors: Look for pre-built connectors that facilitate integration with widely used platforms (that you might be too.) These connectors simplify integration and accelerate deployment, handling much of the setup for you. 
  • Custom integration: See if the tool allows for custom integration if you’re using unique or proprietary systems. This includes options for webhooks and the ability to configure custom data fields to fit your specific needs.  

2. Prioritize customizable interfaces 

Real flexibility in a customer experience tool comes from the freedom for you to mold and analyze your interactions that best suit your style. And so, the ideal software should let you customize it to best help your teams consume insights. 

  • Dashboard customization: Ensure you can tailor dashboards to display relevant data for different roles, with options to create and arrange widgets. 
  • Role-based access: Check for role-based access controls to limit user views and actions based on their role, streamlining workflows and protecting sensitive data. 
  • Drag-and-drop functionality: Look for easy drag-and-drop features to rearrange elements or set up new views without needing technical expertise. 
  • Responsive design: Verify that the interface adapts to various devices and screen sizes for a consistent experience across desktops, tablets and mobile phones. 

Did you know?

Sprinklr lets you create tailored dashboards effortlessly with a vast library of over 5,000 metrics. You can customize every detail, from selecting colors and arranging layouts to adding labels and annotations, ensuring the dashboard perfectly reflects your specific requirements and preferences! 

Want to see the bright colors come to life for your metrics too? Simply hop over and take your free trial today. 

Sprinklr-s unified analytics nd reporting dashboard

3. Focus on security and compliance 

There’s simply no two ways about this. Security is crucial to everyone and so your CX tool needs to be responsible and compliant with international standards like GDPR and CCPA. Moreover, it’s best you also check for the following to ensure customer service security

  • Data encryption: Confirm that the tool encrypts data both in transit and at rest to protect sensitive information. 
  • Consent management: Look for features that manage user consent, including options for users to opt in or out, and keep records of consent history. 
  • Regulatory reporting: Ensure the tool provides built-in capabilities for generating compliance reports, including data access logs, audit trails and breach notifications. 

If there’s a security framework of need, Sprinklr complies with it. Whether it’s the platform’s security or response needed in times of crisis, Sprinklr’s Trust Center ensures you’re ever ready to combat any mishaps with stealth and precision.

4. Compare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) 

When selecting a CX tool, it's crucial to verify its financial impact and ongoing costs. Ensure the tool offers a clear return on investment and is cost-effective throughout its lifecycle. 

  • Third-party validation: Find independent studies or industry reports showing the tool’s ROI. Look for customer case studies detailing actual benefits and results.  

👉Read More: Sprinklr’s Success Stories with Global Brands 

  • Cost breakdown: Review all costs involved, including initial purchase, setup and ongoing fees. Ensure you know all expenses to avoid surprises. 
  • Maintenance and support cost: Check the fees for maintaining and supporting the tool. Choose one with low costs and good support to keep expenses manageable. 
  • Training and onboarding cost: Consider the costs for contact center training and getting your team started. Opt for tools that offer good training resources to reduce additional expenses. 
  • Upgrade and licensing fees: Understand the costs for upgrades and licensing. Choose a tool with clear, reasonable policies for updates and fees. 

4 use cases of customer experience software 

Finding the right customer experience software is nothing short of hitting the jackpot. Simply because of just how easily one puts your customer engagement on auto-pilot so you can intervene when you absolutely need to. A good customer experience platform should be powered with state-of-the-art AI to help you with the following use cases. 

1. Support ticket triage 

A CX tool is equipped with conversational AI that can resolve a good chunk of your queries on its own. But if it isn’t able to, it can categorize and prioritize incoming cases based on urgency and subject, directing them to the appropriate support channels or team members, along with all the gathered context and case histories. 

2. Proactive social engagement 

CX platforms empower you with social listening, using which you can monitor the digital space for specific keywords and sentiments related to your brand. It can filter engageable from non-engageable messages, deflect them to your agents and even alert them in case of potential PR crises, keeping your brand perception positive and proactive. 

3. Customer journey optimization 

CX tools help visualize and analyze the entire customer journey, identifying bottlenecks or drop-off points. They can help you track every step a customer takes, from browsing to buying, spotting any bumps along the way. Fixing these friction points not only makes the journey smoother but also increases the chances they’ll hit “buy” and come back happy for more.  

👉 Read More: How to Map Your Customer Experience Journey 

4. Deep insights 

Customer experience tools use analytics to turn data into a goldmine of insights that help you get ahead. Here’s a breakdown of use cases it helps with. 

  • Issue prediction: CX platforms can analyze structured data like service conversations and unstructured data like tweets and online mentions to predict consumer behavior, insights from which can help you proactively deliver great experiences. 
  • Product gap identification: Ever wonder where your product might be missing the mark? Analytics pinpoint exact spots where customers struggle or drop off, giving your product team clear directions for enhancements or new features. 
  • Targeted campaigns: Analytics dive deep into customer behaviors and preferences, giving you the scoop on what works. This means you can craft marketing campaigns that do more than just show up — they genuinely connect and strike a chord with your audience. 

With Sprinklr Reporting and Analytics, you can map your end-to-end customer journey and monitor, respond to, or mitigate critical events in real time. You can even monitor conversations happening in real-time across 30+ channels, analyze your team’s performance, identify skill issues and coach your teams with targeted insights. 

Book a demo to see this in action for your business today.

Sprinklr generates deep analytics data spanning the entire customer journey
Get a Demo of Sprinklr today

2024 trends for customer experience platforms 

Customer experiences have made major strides in the past year or so, all owing to changing expectations and market conditions. Here are a few trends for CX tools to watch out for in 2024. 

1. Mobile accessibility front and center 

Everyone’s glued to their phones, right? CX platforms are catching up fast, optimizing everything for mobile. This means smoother transitions, interfaces that are a breeze to navigate and features that make sense for on-the-go users. 

2. Generative AI takes the wheel 

This year, AI isn’t just answering questions anymore, it’s making big waves in CX. Generative AI today can craft personalized emails, optimize responses' tone and relevancy, offer tailored discounts and even predict customer needs before they arise. Imagine a system that knows your customer is likely to buy more ink when their printer’s running low and shoots them a coupon just in time. That’s the power of generative AI in action.    

Sprinklr AI+ is powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Vertex to bring you to the finest genAI-powered CX assistant that not only empowers your frontline soldiers but also your precious customers with an ultra-smooth, low-friction experience. 

Book a demo of Sprinklr AI+

3. Remote support gets a boost 

With more folks working from their couches, remote support is stepping up. CX tools now help you set up your cloud contact center so your intelligent virtual agents and live agents can work in tandem to engage with and help users remotely via text, audio, or video. Moreover, CX platforms are even simplifying remote workforce management to ensure globally distributed teams are on their A-game, all the while helping you save on operational and infrastructure costs. 

As we explore the latest CX trends for 2024, there's a need to bridge the gap between what businesses perceive and what customers actually experience. Our ebook delves into these discrepancies and walks you through the precise way you can use AI and automation to bring your experiences at par with what your customers expect. 


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