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10 LinkedIn Benchmarks Brands Should Follow in 2024

October 15, 202416 MIN READ

Picture this: You’ve just launched a LinkedIn campaign to boost your brand’s visibility and attract new leads. A few weeks in, you’re excited to see likes, comments and shares coming in — but what do those numbers really mean for your business? Without the right metrics, it’s hard to tell if your campaign is just generating noise or delivering actual value. 

This is where LinkedIn benchmarks come in. Knowing the right metrics helps you fine-tune your strategy and get better results. With rising competition and the need to maximize social media ROI, measuring success accurately is crucial — especially since enterprises using LinkedIn ads often deliver up to 2x higher conversion rates than other platforms. 

In this blog, we’ll break down the key LinkedIn benchmarks that can help you measure success — like engagement rates, conversion metrics and audience growth — and show how these insights can sharpen your strategy and boost your ROI. Let’s dive into what really matters! 

What is LinkedIn benchmarking? 

LinkedIn benchmarking measures your marketing performance against industry standards and competitors on LinkedIn. It’s like a pulse check for your brand’s social strategy, tracking metrics like engagement, conversion rate and social sentiment. 

For example, if your LinkedIn ads have a decent call to action (CTA) but a high cost per acquisition (CPA), you might find they’re underperforming compared to the industry standard, where LinkedIn ads offer a 13.5% lower CPA than other platforms. Similarly, when it comes to engagement, watch your post’s likes, comments and shares — a 2% engagement rate is a solid benchmark.  

And as far as content is concerned, keep it consistent and high-quality; regular posts should target a steady follower growth per month. 

LinkedIn benchmarks reveal key insights, helping marketers craft smarter, data-driven strategies. There are two main types: internal benchmarking, where you measure your performance over time using LinkedIn Analytics and external benchmarking, where you compare yourself to competitors and industry leaders. 

Ready to build a LinkedIn marketing strategy that delivers results?  
🎯 Start with the right benchmarks!  

Our blog on LinkedIn Marketing Strategy shows you how to track the metrics that matter, optimize your content and turn connections into conversions. Let LinkedIn benchmarks guide your strategy to help you achieve the next level of success! 💼🚀 

Why is tracking LinkedIn metrics important?  

Tracking LinkedIn metrics is crucial, especially when driving traffic and improving overall marketing effectiveness. Underestimating LinkedIn benchmarks is like throwing darts in the dark — you won’t know if your social content is hitting the mark. Keep an eye out for LinkedIn benchmarks to: 

  • Optimize content strategy: Tracking LinkedIn metrics allows you to see which types of content resonate most with your audience. By analyzing metrics like engagement rates and click-through rates, you can fine-tune your content strategy to focus on what works best, ensuring that your posts are relevant and impactful. 
  • Boost engagement: Monitoring engagement metrics, such as likes, comments and shares, help you understand how your audience interacts with your content. This insight enables you to create more engaging posts, foster conversations and build a stronger connection with your audience. 
  • Monitor audience growth: Monitoring metrics related to follower growth and audience demographics helps you track how your network is expanding. This information is vital for better understanding your audience and tailoring your content to attract and retain the right followers. 
  • Benchmark against competitors: By tracking your performance and comparing it with industry benchmarks and competitor metrics, you can gauge where you stand in the market. This helps identify areas for improvement and competitive advantages, ensuring you stay ahead in your industry. 
  • Make data-driven decisions: Metrics provide the data needed to make informed decisions about your LinkedIn strategy. Instead of relying on gut feelings, you can base your choices on concrete evidence, leading to more effective and targeted marketing efforts. 
  • Track ROI: Monitoring metrics related to return on investment (ROI), such as conversion rates and cost per lead, helps you measure the financial impact of your LinkedIn activities. This enables you to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and allocate resources more efficiently. 

Related Read: Social Media Metrics: All Types Explained [2024] 

Top 10 LinkedIn benchmarks that measure your marketing performance 

The right benchmarks hold the key to measuring success and improving your strategy. Let’s explore the top 10 LinkedIn benchmarks that matter most — covering everything from engagement rates to ad performance — so you can optimize your efforts and drive better results on the platform. 

1. Click-through rate (CTR) 

LinkedIn’s CTR gauges the effectiveness of your ads and content by showing how often users click on a link after viewing it. Simply put, it’s the ratio of clicks to impressions your sponsored post receives. 




CTR = (Number of clicks/Number of impressions) x 100 

(10/1000) x 100 = 1% 

If an ad receives 1,000 impressions and 10 clicks, your CTR would be 1%.  

What is a good CTR benchmark for LinkedIn ads? LinkedIn’s average CTR varies by content type, but for sponsored content, it typically ranges from 0.44% to 0.65%.  How to improve LinkedIn CTR? 

  • Target the right audience: Refine your targeting to reach users who are most likely to be interested in your content. Read our blog on LinkedIn demographics to learn more about crucial LinkedIn demographics stats that will help you craft campaigns that resonate with your target segment(s). 
  • A/B test creatives: Experiment with different ad variations to see what resonates best with your audience. 
  • Include clear CTAs: Make sure your call to action is prominent and clearly directs users on what to do next. 
  • Leverage Ad remarketing: Retarget users who have previously interacted with your content to boost engagement. 
  • Leverage FOMO: Generate urgency with limited-time offers, exclusive content or breaking news. 

Uber's ad — "Braving a zipline for local delivery? Here’s a better idea: Use Uber Direct" — grabbed viewers’ attention through a clever combination of humor and problem-solving. The playful tone, paired with a clear benefit, hooks users and prompts action.  

Read More: A complete guide to LinkedIn advertising 

2. Cost per click (CPC) 

CPC is a key LinkedIn benchmark that shows how much you pay for each user who clicks on your ad. It helps measure the efficiency of your ad spend and indicates how well your campaign is driving engagement. 




Total cost of ad campaign/Number of clicks 

CPC = $100/20 = $5 per click This means that for every click on your ad, you are spending $5.   

If an ad campaign costs $100 and receives 20 clicks, your CPC would be $5 per click.  

What is a good CPC benchmark for LinkedIn ads?  

A lower CPC is ideal as it means you get more clicks for less money. However, a higher CPC can be worth it if the goal is to attract high-quality leads. LinkedIn's CPC is determined by a competitive bidding system that factors in ad quality, your bid and competition.  

CPCs vary by industry, audience and campaign goals, with the global average currently at $5.58.  

How to improve LinkedIn CPC?  

  • Refine your geo-targeting: Focusing on specific cities or regions where your audience is located helps maximize your ad spend by aligning CPC with local rates rather than targeting a broader, less relevant audience. 
  • Optimize device targeting: Depending on your campaign goals and outcomes, campaigns aimed at mobile and tablet users may have different CPC rates than those targeting desktop users or a combination of devices. 
  • Target customer profiles: It is crucial to define your audience using attributes like demographics, education and job experience. Tailoring your ad copy and creativity to this audience boosts relevancy, improving ad performance. 
  • Practice social listening: Harness social listening to monitor LinkedIn conversations to identify trending topics and industry mentions. 

🔗 Ready to connect with your ideal audience on social media? Discover actionable strategies to effectively reach and engage your target audience with our infographic on how to reach your target audience on social media. 🎯 

3. Engagement rate  

Engagement rate measures how well your audience interacts with your content through likes, comments, shares, direct messages and clicks relative to the number of impressions or views your content receives. 




Engagement Rate = (Total engagement/Total impressions) x 100 

Total Engagements = 50 + 10 + 5 = 65  Engagement Rate = (65/1000) x 100 = 6.5%.

A LinkedIn post receives 1000 impressions and gets 50 likes, 10 comments and 5 shares. The engagement rate would be 6.5%. 

Related Read: How to measure social media engagement effectively 

What is a good LinkedIn engagement rate?  

  • Sponsored content: Engagement rates for non-video content are 0.5% and for videos it is 1.6% 
  • Organic posts: Engagement rates range from 2% to 6%, as organic content often performs better because they are less promotional and more authentic 

How to improve LinkedIn engagement rates? 

  • Post consistently: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and return for more. 
  • Encourage interaction: Ask questions, prompt discussions and invite feedback to foster engagement. 
  • Develop an employee advocacy program: LinkedIn’s official guide to employee advocacy highlighted that even though only 3% of employees share company content, it led to a 30% increase in total engagement. Encourage your employees to share product updates, awards and recognitions. Employee advocacy drives engagement — such as follows, tags, mentions and endorsements — boosting your LinkedIn visibility. 
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, participate in discussions and show appreciation to build stronger connections.
  • Experiment with user-generated content: Create in-depth spotlight features on real user experiences. Set up dedicated submission channels (like a landing page or an email) and use NPS surveys or CSAT software to gather customer experience data. Incentivize your UGC campaigns with gift cards or limited-time discount offers.  

Check out how Amoeboids are nailing UGC with this approach: 


💡Pro Tip: Elevate your engagement rates and social media strategy by tracking content performance across multiple platforms. Develop dashboards to visualize engagement trends and identify what resonates with your audience. Combine scheduling tools with analytics to understand the impact of your posts on engagement. 

How do you do this? With Sprinklr’s AI-powered Social Publishing & Engagement

Using this solution, you can: 

📅 Plan and automate your content calendar for maximum efficiency  

🔍 Analyze the performance of your posts and optimize scheduling based on real-time data  

📈 Track engagement metrics and adjust strategies to boost visibility and interaction across platforms 

Request a demo of Sprinklr Social Publishing & Engagement today! 

4. Return on ad spend (ROAS)  

ROAS measures the revenue earned from an advertising campaign relative to its cost. Simply put, it shows how much revenue you make for each dollar spent on ads. 




ROAS = (Revenue from ads/Ad spends) x 100  

ROAS = ($800/$200) x 100 = 400%   This means that for every $1 spent on advertising, the company generates $4 in revenue. 

A company spends $200 on an ad campaign and generates $800 in revenue from sales attributed to the campaign. The ROAS is 400%. 

What is a good LinkedIn ROAS?  

LinkedIn suggests that a ROAS of 4:1 (i.e., $4 in revenue for every $1 spent) is a solid benchmark. However, this can vary based on your business. High-margin products or services can handle a lower ROAS, while businesses with tighter margins need a higher ROAS to stay profitable. 

How to improve LinkedIn ROAS?  

  • Optimize ad workflow with AI: Leverage AI to automate budget shifts, predict ad performance and manage bids. Sprinklr AI, for instance, helped Sonos achieve a triple return on ad spend with its predictive analytics. 
  • Adopt multi-touch attribution: Avoid inflating ad budgets by using a time decay attribution model. This model gives more credit to touchpoints closer to the conversion, accurately reflecting the role of both paid and organic marketing efforts. 

Related Read: Social media attribution: How to measure correctly  

💡Pro Tip: Track ad performance across multiple social platforms and develop dashboards to visualize key metrics like ROAS and engagement rates. Combine AI-driven insights with advanced ad management tools to understand the direct impact of your ad strategies on overall campaign success. 

How to achieve this? With Sprinklr's social advertising platform

With this solution, you can: 

🚀 Automate ad campaigns: Optimize ad delivery and budget allocation with AI-driven insights  

📊 Gain real-time insights: Track and analyze ad performance to make data-driven adjustments  

🔍 Leverage advanced targeting: Reach the most relevant audiences with precision, ensuring higher engagement and conversions 

Sprinklr-s social advertising platform.
Book your free demo of Sprinklr’s social advertising platform now! 

 📑 Read More: 7 ways to increase the return on your LinkedIn ad spend with Sprinklr 

5. Conversion rate 

Conversion rate is the percentage of users who complete a desired action after engaging with LinkedIn ads or content. This could include clicking a call-to-action button, filling out a lead form or signing up for a webinar. 




Conversion rate = (Number of conversions/Number of clicks or impressions) x 100  

(50/1000) x 100 = 5% This means that 5% of site visitors converted into sign-ups. 

A website receives 1000 page views and has 50 sign-ups, so the conversion rate is 5%. 

 🏊 Deep Dive: Social media conversion: A guide for beginners to experts 

What is a good LinkedIn conversion rate?  

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for an “optimum” conversion rate for LinkedIn. A “good” conversion rate can vary by industry and by the defining factors. Generally, the benchmark is between 5%-15%. If you’re hitting above 5%, that’s often seen as excellent. 

How to improve LinkedIn conversion rate?  

  • Use LinkedIn live and videos: Videos drive 5x more engagement on LinkedIn. Share behind-the-scenes clips, highlight team members and showcase customer testimonials. Join LinkedIn groups and host webinars to connect with your audience. For example, Airbnb effectively uses videos to provide product updates and build brand awareness
  • Experiment with CTAs: Create posts or ads with engaging CTAs like polls or surveys, such as “Vote for your favorite trend” or “Test your marketing IQ.” For sales-driven CTAs, add urgency with countdowns or phrases like “Only 24 hours left!” See how Aircall leverages this strategy: 


Read More: A list of killer social media call to action examples in case you’re strapped for ideas 

6. Cost per lead (CPL) 

CPL is the cost of generating one lead through your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Benchmarking CPL helps you assess whether you're spending efficiently to generate leads compared to industry standards and competitors. 




Cost per lead = Total cost of LinkedIn ad campaign/Number of leads generated  

CPL = $500/100 = $5  This means the company spent $5 to acquire each lead.  

A company spends $500 on an advertising campaign and acquires 100 leads. Their CPL is $5. 

What is a good CPL benchmark for LinkedIn ads?  

CPL can vary a lot depending on the industry. It's typically between $50 and $350. This variation is influenced by industry, audience type, offers and creatives.  

How to improve LinkedIn CPL?  

  • Run sequential ad campaigns: Create a series of ads to guide your audience through their journey — begin with awareness, then address pain points and finish with ads showcasing your product’s results. For inspiration, see how AWS does it: 


  •  A/B test your ad copy: Conduct A/B tests on different ad copy and visuals by changing one variable at a time, ensuring at least 1,000 impressions per test. Experiment with formats, such as comparing a sponsored content ad to a carousel ad. For optimal results, run tests over 45-day campaign cycles. 

7. Organic ROI  

LinkedIn organic ROI measures the effectiveness of your organic marketing efforts in generating revenue. It's calculated by subtracting the costs of organic marketing activities from the revenue generated. 




[(Revenue from marketing activity - Total expenditure)/Total expenditure] x 100   

Organic ROI = [(8000-2000)/ 2000​] × 100 = 300%  This means that for every $1 invested in organic activities, the company generated $3 in revenue.   

If you spent $2,000 on managing LinkedIn content and generated $8,000 in revenue, your organic ROI would be 300%. 

What is a good organic ROI benchmark?  

The organic ROI on LinkedIn can vary a lot, from 32% in the pharmaceutical industry to 529% in the staffing industry. SaaS companies tend to do really well, with an average organic ROI of around 388%.  How to improve LinkedIn organic ROI?  

  • Build a unique hashtag strategy: Use specific hashtags like #smallbusinessmarketing instead of broad ones. Create a series around your company’s values or campaigns. For example, Google used #GoogleForStartups and Canva used #CanvaDesign

 Related Read: How to find the hashtags that actually work  

  • Collaborate with fellow brands: Partner on articles, whitepapers, events or merchandise. Host a LinkedIn challenge with a branded hashtag. Check out the buzz around the LEGO x Nike collaboration on LinkedIn for inspiration. 


8. Cost per send (CPS) 

CPS is a model that charges a fixed amount per email sent, regardless of open or click rates. Use benchmarking to compare your costs and effectiveness against industry standards to ensure you get the best value for your investment.  




CPS = Total cost of email campaign/Number of emails sent  

CPS = $500/10,000 = $0.05 

A company spends $500 on an email marketing campaign and sends 10,000 emails. The CPS is $0.05.  

What is a good CPS benchmark on LinkedIn?  Industry standards range from $0.50 to $1 per send, but the ideal CPS varies by industry, target audience, content and objectives. 

How to improve LinkedIn CPS?  

  • Tap into content personalization: Personalize LinkedIn InMail and keep it under 400 characters to boost response rates by 22%. Start with a compelling hook, like a question, challenge or relevant data. Sharing industry-specific success stories can also enhance engagement. Here’s a standout InMail example: 
  • Send at peak times: Schedule your LinkedIn emails for peak engagement hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesdays through Thursdays. For best results, include at least two follow-ups spaced a week apart. 

Related Read: Best times to post on social media for better ROI 

9. Impressions  

Impressions measure how often your content appears on users' screens, from scrolls and notifications to search results. Essentially, it's the count of how many times your posts or updates have been viewed, even if briefly. LinkedIn impression benchmark There's no definitive "optimal" number of impressions. The average LinkedIn company page gets around 4,170 impressions per month. For pages with 2,000-4,000 followers, you can expect to see anywhere from 4,000-12,000 organic impressions monthly. 

How to improve LinkedIn impressions?  

  • Repurpose old content: Transform your top-performing content into infographics, videos or updated posts with fresh perspectives to give it a second life. 
  • Leverage social media and SEO: Boost your LinkedIn profile with strategic keywords in your headline, summary and experience sections. Include terms like "SEO," "content strategy," and "PPC" to enhance visibility and attract the right audience. 

10. Reach 

Reach on LinkedIn measures the total number of unique users who see your content, whether it's a post, an article or ad. It tells you how many distinct individuals have been exposed to your content at least once. 

Unlike impressions, which factors in every view of your content (even if viewed multiple times by the same person), reach counts only unique views. What is considered a good reach on LinkedIn?  Reach measures the engagement your content receives. Comments, likes and shares signal to LinkedIn that your post is valuable, prompting it to appear in more feeds. LinkedIn ads reach 19.2% of the internet population, with a 14% increase in visibility. 

How to improve LinkedIn reach?  

  • Leverage social media automation: Schedule posts for optimal times and automate approval processes with social media tools. Use social media automation to moderate comments and LinkedIn DMs, keeping your social presence active and engaging. 
  • Partner with influencers: Collaborate with influencers to enhance product development and expand your reach. For instance, Scratchpad used influencers to engage niche audiences and elevate their social media presence. 

How Sprinklr can help improve your LinkedIn performance 

LinkedIn benchmarks are vital for refining your social media strategy. By comparing your performance to competitors and past results, you can enhance your LinkedIn presence. However, staying on top of LinkedIn's algorithms, updates and audience preferences can be challenging. 

Cue in Sprinklr’s AI-powered social media management platform. With this powerful tool you can: 

  • Track essential benchmarks: Access in-depth analytics and predefined queries to ensure your strategy aligns with the latest LinkedIn trends 
  • Automate engagement and content: Use AI tools to streamline posting schedules, track performance and engage with your audience in real time 
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Leverage Sprinklr’s insights to adapt to LinkedIn’s ever-changing landscape and surpass your competition 

Incorporate Sprinklr into your LinkedIn strategy and watch yourself hit — and surpass —  every benchmark.   


Frequently Asked Questions

Industries with strong visual appeal, such as fashion and tech, generally see higher engagement rates than less visual sectors like accounting. B2B companies often experience better engagement and click-through rates than B2C businesses, with industry trends and audience behaviors shaping standard or exceptional benchmarks. 

Video posts typically receive more interactions (likes, comments, shares) compared to text-only or image posts, leading to greater reach and higher engagement rates

Updates to the algorithm often prioritize content that generates meaningful interactions. Businesses must adapt their content strategies to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content. 

By precisely targeting the right demographics, job roles and industries, businesses can ensure their ads reach the most relevant and engaged audience.  

Produce high-quality content that resonates with your audience and can be repurposed into other formats. Actively respond to comments, participate in discussions and engage with other users' content. Post-publishing analysis through a social media management platform is crucial to tweak your content and social strategy. Keep testing and iterating.  

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