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40 Actionable Social Media Prompts for Marketers [+Examples]

September 12, 202420 MIN READ

AI tools for marketing are making quite a splash and it's easy to see why. Tasks that once took hours now take mere minutes. You’ve probably seen the buzz on social media, with people and brands using all kinds of social media prompts and tools to simplify and optimize their marketing campaigns. 

For example, Canva, the graphic design tool company offers AI-powered tools, like Magic Studio, that allow users to generate unique designs quickly by inputting AI writing prompts. By encouraging users to share these AI-generated designs, Canva has engaged its global audience more deeply, significantly boosting both user engagement and acquisition. 

And then there’s Heinz’s Draw Ketchup” campaign from 2023. Partnering with the creative geniuses at Rethink Ideas, Heinz launched a groundbreaking social media and print ad campaign using visuals created entirely by the AI image generator, DALL-E 2. Heinz asked DALL-E 2 to draw the first image that came to mind with the prompt “ketchup,” and — surprise, surprise — the AI-generated images that looked exactly like Heinz bottles. Every. Single. Time.  

These standout creations splashed across social media, proving that even AI has a soft spot for Heinz. And the best part?  Well, this innovative, AI-driven social media approach boosted Heinz’s social media engagement, racking up over 850 million impressions worldwide. Not bad for a condiment promo, right? 

And it is not just Canva or Heinz; every brand, big or small, has been trying to leverage AI in social media in some way or another. Sure, there are moments when AI misses the mark, but the difference between “Wow, that’s incredible! 🤩” and “Yikes, that’s off… 😐” often comes down to crafting the perfect prompt. 

In this article, you'll learn how to create AI social media prompts that will fill your content calendar with potentially viral ideas. Plus, I’ll start you off with 40 social media content prompts you can use for your brand right away. 

Let's get started! 

What is a social media prompt? 

A social media prompt is an instruction given to an AI tool to generate content for social media platforms. Prompts can help marketers and brands converse with AI tools in the language they understand, prompting them to perform a variety of functions, including content creation, editing or even outlining the start-to-finish social media strategy for target platforms. These prompts are like little sparks that help marketers create content that clicks with their target audience.  

Now, why are these social media prompts such a big deal for marketers? The answer lies below. Here are all the activities that AI prompts simplify: 

#1. Finding content ideas 

First off, AI prompts make social media content creation a whole lot easier. Instead of staring at a blank screen, wondering what to post next, you have not one but tons of ready-made post ideas that cut down your brainstorming time. It’s like having a small chest of prompts to dip into whenever you're short on ideas.  

#2. Rewriting drafts: Struggling with content that doesn't quite hit the mark? Prompts can help refine your drafts, making your messages clearer and more engaging. 

#3. Finding the right phrasing: Whether you’re searching for the perfect words or trying to strike the right tone, prompts can offer multiple ways to express your ideas effectively. 

#4. Designing social media ads: Leveraging prompts for ad design allows you to create compelling social media ads that are tailored to your audience and platform, enhancing the impact of your campaigns. 

#5. Crafting calls-to-action: Prompts can assist in creating persuasive social media calls-to-action that drive user engagement and conversions. 

#6. Developing industry and company-specific posts: By tailoring content to reflect industry speak or brand voice, social media prompts ensure that your posts are relevant and resonate with your target market. 

#6. Conducting social media experiments: Want to test different social media approaches? Prompts can guide you in setting up social media A/B tests and other experiments to find what content performs best. 

#7. Establishing content creation frameworks: AI prompts establish content creation frameworks by providing structured, repeatable guidelines that automate the generation and scheduling of content, ensuring that it aligns with brand consistency, meets deadlines and maintains a high standard of quality across all platforms. 

The advantage of using AI social media prompts 

One of the biggest benefits of AI social media prompts is that they take the guesswork out of content creation. Instead of spending hours brainstorming or trying to maintain consistency across your posts, these prompts provide ready-made ideas that resonate with your target audience. They help ensure your social media messaging is consistent and tailored to each platform, making your overall strategy more efficient and impactful.  

What’s more, by streamlining the process, AI frees up your time to focus on more strategic tasks, ultimately making your social media efforts not just easier but more effective in driving engagement and reaching your campaign goals. 

Who can benefit from social media prompts? 

Here are a few personas who can benefit from social media content prompts: 

Social media managers: Managing multiple social media accounts and generating fresh content everyday can be challenging for anyone. Social media prompts make it easier to maintain a consistent social media posting schedule.  

By providing a steady stream of ideas and topics, prompts ensure that your content pipeline is always full. This means you’ll never run out of things to post, keeping your social media presence active and engaging. 

Content creators: Content creators often need inspiration for new posts. Social media prompts provide a starting point for creativity, helping to craft posts that resonate with the audience. They can also help experiment with different types of social media content, such as text posts, images, videos and stories. 

Small business owners: Small business owners often grapple with limited time and resources for social media marketing. Leveraging AI-generated prompts not only saves time by providing ready-made post ideas but also offers a cost-effective alternative to maintaining a full-fledged marketing team. This ensures that the brand remains active and engaging online, maintaining consistency in posting even when other business tasks demand attention. 

Marketing strategists: For marketing strategists, social media prompts are perfect for testing out new post ideas and strategies without manual oversight. By streamlining social media testing and experimenting, prompts enable strategists to try different approaches quickly, thereby boosting the return on investment (ROI) for the campaigns. 

Influencers: Influencers need high social media engagement from their followers. Social media prompts add variety to the influencer content, keeping it interesting for the audience and maintaining high engagement levels. 

Digital advertisers: AI prompts allow advertisers to experiment with various headlines, calls-to-action and bidding propositions. This experimentation helps with ad optimization by identifying strategies that resonate with target audiences, boost click-through rates (CTR) and ultimately the return on ad spend (ROAS). 

Community managers: Community managers can leverage social media prompts to keep the conversation flowing and the community engaged. Prompts help in generating relevant discussion topics that resonate with the community’s interests. 

Data analysts: For data analysts, social media prompts provide a consistent stream of content that can be systematically tracked and measured. This way, analysts can more easily identify patterns and trends in social media and audience engagement via more accurate data collection and analysis. The end result is meaningful insights and data-driven recommendations to optimize future campaigns.  

40 helpful AI prompts for your social media teams to try in 2025 

Here's a list of 40 prompts for all sorts of social media posts. Our social media team at Sprinklr has tried out every single one with the help of our new Generative AI integration and we’ve included some versatile examples so you can see exactly how it works.  

You can use these prompts as they are — just copy and paste — or tweak them to create your own awesome prompts from scratch. Ready? Let’s get your social media buzzing! 

Social media prompts for Instagram 

#1. Imagine you’re a social media marketing guru. Write three motivational quotes to inspire [insert your target audience] to [insert the desired action]. Keep each quote under 30 words and the vibe upbeat. These will be used in Instagram stories.  

#2. Think of five inspiring Instagram Reels that could go viral. These should resonate with [insert your target audience] and showcase [insert your product/brand].  

#3. Craft an inspirational Instagram caption about [insert your topic] that will engage [insert your audience]. Start with a hook that grabs attention and keeps them reading. Provide five options. Word count should be under 100 words. 

#4. Create five different versions of an inspiring Instagram caption for a photo of [insert your product/topic]. Make sure it grabs the attention of [insert your target audience] and keep it short and sweet (1-2 sentences). Don't forget to add relevant hashtags to boost visibility. 

💡 Bonus Tip for Content Marketers 

Even content marketers can leverage these social media prompts. Simply tweak them to create blog posts or tipsheets. Here’s how: 

Example: Take a prompt like “List the key benefits of using [insert your product/service]” and expand it into a detailed blog post. 

Original Prompt: List the key benefits of using [insert your product/service]. 

Expanded Blog Post Prompt: Create an article of around 800-1000 words on “Top 10 Benefits of Using [Product/Service]: How It Transforms Your Daily Routine” with detailed sections on each benefit, user testimonials and practical examples. 

With a little adjustment, these prompts can fuel your long-form content strategy too. 

Need more prompts? Read 10 AI Writing Prompts for Content Marketers 

Social media prompts for X (formerly Twitter) 

#5. Brainstorm five compelling ideas for X (formerly Twitter) about [insert your topic]. Each thread should kick off with a killer hook in the first tweet that grabs attention and makes readers eager to dive into the rest of the thread.  

#6. Craft an X (formerly Twitter) that really showcases the benefits of [insert your topic] for [insert your target audience]. Here’s how you have to break it down: 

  1. Start with an attention-grabbing intro tweet. 
  2. List each benefit in separate tweets, keeping it concise and engaging. 
  3. Wrap it up with a strong call to action in the final tweet, driving people to visit our website at [insert your website]. 

#7. Take the information below [insert excerpt] and turn it into an X (formerly Twitter) that will captivate [insert your target audience]. Start with a hook in the first tweet to grab attention. Follow up with engaging and concise points in each tweet, making sure to keep your audience interested throughout. Wrap it up with a compelling call to action in the final tweet to encourage interaction or drive them to your website. 

#8. Take these bullet points and turn them into a lively, informative X (formerly Twitter) in Russian. Make sure each tweet is engaging and keeps your audience hooked. Let's make this thread unforgettable! 

#9. Let's spice up this opening hook for an X (formerly Twitter). Suggest five alternative ways to phrase it, making sure each one grabs attention and pulls readers in. 

#10. Create an X (formerly Twitter) featuring three user stories or testimonials about [insert your product/service]. Each tweet should tell a compelling story that highlights the benefits and positive experiences of your users. End with a tweet inviting others to share their own stories.  

#11. Create an X (formerly Twitter) that includes a poll about [insert your topic]. Start with an engaging introduction to the topic, followed by the poll itself. Use subsequent tweets to share interesting facts or perspectives related to the poll question. End with a tweet encouraging followers to vote and share their opinions. 

Social media prompts for Facebook 

#12. Tease an upcoming event related to [insert your brand]. Share some exciting details and keep your audience in the loop with follow-up posts.  

#13. Give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at [insert your project/event]. Share interesting details and photos to make them feel like insiders. 

#14. Break down a step-by-step guide for using [insert your product/service]. Use clear language and visuals to make it easy to follow. Show your audience just how simple it can be to achieve great results. 

#15. Create an interactive quiz related to [insert your topic]. Use a series of engaging questions to entertain and educate your audience and encourage them to share their results in the comments. 

#16. Create a thoughtful Facebook post listing the pros and cons of [insert your topic]. This balanced approach will provide valuable insights and help your audience make informed decisions. 

#17. Describe how incorporating [insert your product/service] into a daily routine can make a positive difference. Start with a hook in the first sentence to grab attention and keep the tone positive throughout. Show your audience how easy and beneficial it is to use your product daily. 

#18. Take an engaging LinkedIn story and adapt it for your Facebook audience. Make sure the post is tailored to their interests and preferences and keep the tone conversational to foster engagement. 

#19. Highlight a customer’s success story or testimonial about [insert your product/service]. Use a mix of text and visuals to create a compelling narrative that showcases the positive impact your brand has had. 

#20. Kick off a user-generated content challenge! Encourage your audience to share their best photos or videos using [insert your product/service] and offer a prize for the best submission. Use an exciting and engaging tone to get everyone involved and create a sense of community. 

AI prompts for LinkedIn 

#21. Share your thoughts on the latest trends in [insert your industry]. Highlight key insights and how they could impact professionals in your network. Ask for their opinions to spark a discussion. 

#22. Offer five expert tips on [insert a relevant topic]. Make each tip actionable and beneficial for your audience. End with a question to encourage engagement and additional tips from others. 

#23. Share a success story about [insert your product/service]. Detail the journey and the results achieved, highlighting key takeaways that can inspire and educate your audience. 

#24. Write a thought-provoking piece on [insert a trending topic or issue]. Provide your perspective and back it up with data or examples. Encourage your audience to share their thoughts and experiences. 

#25. Address a common challenge in [insert your industry] and propose potential solutions. Ask your network to share their experiences and ideas for overcoming these challenges. 

#26. Create a LinkedIn poll about [insert your topic]. Make sure to ask a question that’s relevant and thought-provoking for your network. Provide a few response options and explain why the poll is important in the accompanying post. Encourage your audience to vote and share their insights in the comments. 

#27. Announce an upcoming webinar, conference or event related to [insert your industry]. Share why it’s valuable and encourage your network to attend. Follow up with insights and takeaways after the event. 

#28. Suggest five different versions of the draft copy below. Each alternative should be designed to provoke thought and engage your audience deeply. Think about what would spark curiosity, encourage discussion and make people want to share their perspectives. [Insert draft copy] 

Learn More: ChatGPT for Social Media: 7 Best Use Cases 

Social media prompts for Pinterest

#29. Share five interesting and lesser-known facts about [insert your topic]. Format these as a series of “Did You Know?” posts that are both educational and engaging. 

#30. Create a detailed checklist for [insert your topic]. Ensure each item is clear and actionable, making it easy for users to save and reference later. 

#31. Develop a series of quick tips about [insert your topic]. Each tip should be concise and packed with value, ideal for easy pinning and quick reference. 

#32. Outline a step-by-step process for achieving [insert your goal]. Each step should be clear and easy to follow, making it a practical guide that users will want to pin for future use. 

Social media prompts for TikTok 

#33. Create a TikTok script sharing your top five tips for [insert your topic]. Each tip should be concise and actionable, perfect for a quick and engaging video that your audience can easily follow and implement.  

#34. Write a TikTok script where you debunk common myths about [insert your topic]. Present each myth and then provide the facts, making it an informative and engaging video that educates your audience while keeping them entertained. 

#35. Develop a short and engaging TikTok script that guides viewers through a simple process related to [insert your topic]. Each step should be clear and easy to follow, ensuring that your audience can quickly grasp and apply the information.  

Create Killer Content in Seconds! 

You’ve got your prompts ready to go, but what if there’s a tool that could take your content creation to the next level instantly? 

Not kidding! 

With GenAI integrated into your marketing platform, you can: 

🎯 Just throw in a topic, phrase or keyword and get ready-to-publish posts, reels and more at your fingertips. 

👌 Generate and fine-tune content to fit any tone, whether you’re going for empathetic or formal. 

✍️ Perfect your posts with advanced proofreading tools that catch every little mistake. 

All these wonders? It’s possible with Sprinklr AI+ – bringing the power of GenAI right into your content strategy.  


Versatile AI social media prompts for every occasion [With examples] 

Now that you’re well-versed in channel-specific AI social media prompts let's dive into some versatile prompts that will help you in myriad ways. Whether you’re launching a new product, hunting for social media contest ideas or just looking to boost engagement, these AI prompts have got you covered.  

Social media prompts for product launch posts 

#36. Create a social media post announcing the launch of our new product for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The post should be engaging and convey excitement. Include the product name and highlight its key features or benefits. Mention that the product is now available and include a link for purchase. Use hashtags like #NewArrival and #ProductLaunch to increase visibility. 

Example output for Facebook and Instagram: "Exciting news! 🚀 We're thrilled to announce the launch of [insert product name]. Get ready to experience [highlight key feature/benefit] — it's a game-changer! Available now at [insert link]. #NewArrival #ProductLaunch" 

Example output for LinkedIn: We're excited to introduce [insert product name], designed to [highlight key feature/benefit] and transform how you [solve a particular problem/meet a specific need]. This innovation is now available, and we're eager to see the impact it will have in the industry. Learn more and get started today: [insert link]. #NewArrival #ProductLaunch" 

Social media prompts for creating polls 

#37. Create an engaging social media poll question that encourages followers to share their preferences or opinions on [insert topic relevant to your brand]. The poll should be short and to the point, with two or more answer options. Use a conversational tone and include a relevant hashtag. 

Example output for Facebook and Instagram: "We want to know! What's your favorite way to unwind after a long day?  Option A: Reading a book or Option B: Watching TV. Vote now in the comments! #UnwindTime #Poll" 

Example output for LinkedIn: "As professionals, how do you prefer to de-stress after work? Option A: Reading a good book or Option B: Catching up on the latest TV series. Cast your vote and share why in the comments! #WorkLifeBalance #Poll" 

Social media prompts for giveaway posts 

#38. Generate a social media post announcing a giveaway for [insert product/service]. The post should clearly state the prize, entry rules, and encourage followers to participate. Use an enthusiastic tone and include a call to action with relevant hashtags. 

Example output for Facebook and Instagram: " It's giveaway time!  Win [insert prize] by following these simple steps: 1️⃣ Like this post 2️⃣ Follow us 3️⃣ Tag a friend in the comments. The more you tag, the better your chances! Don’t miss out—winner announced on [insert date]! #Giveaway #WinBig" 

Example output for LinkedIn: "We’re excited to announce a special giveaway of [insert prize] to celebrate our community! To enter, simply 1️⃣ Follow our page 2️⃣ Like this post 3️⃣ Tag a colleague who could benefit from [product/service]. Increase your chances by tagging more colleagues! Winner to be announced on [insert date]. #Giveaway #ProfessionalGrowth" 

👉 Interesting Read: The 5 Types of Social Media Content that Work Best in 2024 

Social media prompts for light-hearted posts  

#39. Create a fun and light-hearted social media post that engages followers with a playful question, joke, or challenge related to [insert topic]. The tone should be casual and engaging, encouraging interaction in the comments.  

Example output for Facebook and Instagram: Let’s have some fun! 😄 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Drop your answer below — no wrong answers here! #FoodieFun #WeekendVibes  

Example output for LinkedIn: Let’s break the ice a little! If you could only choose one productivity tool to use for the rest of your career, what would it be?  Share your must-have tool and why in the comments! #OfficeHumor #ProductivityTips 

Social media prompts for call-to-action posts  

#40. Draft a compelling call to action (CTA) social media post that encourages followers to [insert desired action, e.g., sign up, learn more, purchase]. The post should be persuasive and clearly communicate the benefits of taking action, with a direct link included. Use urgency if appropriate.  

Example output for Facebook and Instagram: "Ready to take the next step? Sign up for our [insert product/service] today and unlock exclusive benefits! Don't wait — the special offer ends soon! [insert link] #SignUpNow #LimitedOffer"  

Example output for LinkedIn: Isn’t it time you took your career to the next level?  Sign up for our [insert product/service] and gain access to industry-leading resources designed to help you succeed. Don’t miss out — limited spots available! [insert link] #ProfessionalGrowth #ActNow" 

Top tips to craft social media prompts 

Alright, we’ve covered a lot. But remember, getting these prompts right is extremely crucial for your social media success.  Trust me, a well-crafted prompt can work wonders. It can amplify your engagement and produce resonant content - with a few clicks.  Creating the right social media prompts calls for creativity, strategy, and an understanding of how AI tools work. It takes immense practice and experimenting to get your prompts right, but the output quality directly correlates to the prompt quality; hence, pay special attention to your prompt engineering.  

Here are six quick tips to nail your AI social media prompts: 

Include keywords

Start by specifying the essential keywords that should be present in the generated content. Keywords help the AI focus on the core themes of your post and improve the visibility of your content in searches and feeds. 

Give context

Make sure to provide enough background information or context for the AI to understand the situation. This helps the AI generate content that is relevant and aligned with your objectives. 

Mention a specific goal

Clearly state what you want to achieve with the post. Whether it's driving engagement, increasing brand awareness or promoting a specific product, defining the goal ensures that AI creates content with purpose. 

Guide with examples

Offering examples within the prompt helps the AI understand the desired tone, style, and structure of the content. This can lead to more accurate and targeted results. 

Test and experiment

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different versions of your prompt. Small tweaks can lead to significant changes in the output, so it’s important to test various approaches to find what works best. 

Use analytics to measure prompt effectiveness

After using the AI-generated content, analyze its performance using social media metrics like likes, comments, shares or click-through rates. This data will help you refine your prompts over time to create even better content. 

Now, let’s put these tips into action with a well-crafted prompt example. 

 "Create a social media post to introduce our new eco-friendly product line. Include keywords like sustainable, eco-friendly and green. Provide context by mentioning that the products are made from 100% recycled materials. The goal is to encourage followers to share their own eco-friendly practices in the comments. Use a friendly and conversational tone. Please provide one example of the post." 

Next Steps 

Remember, social media AI prompts that are clear, purposeful and effective can help you generate high-quality content that meets your campaign goals.  

But getting those prompts right every single time isn’t easy. That’s where Sprinklr AI+ comes in, handling all the heavy lifting by delivering brand-specific, relatable content with pinpoint accuracy. This way, you can focus on the bigger strategy — engaging your audience and driving results — without getting bogged down in the details of crafting each prompt. 

All you need to do is to provide a topic, phrase or a keyword and Sprinklr AI+ will generate content that is relevant and engaging for your targeted audience. In addition to this, you can proofread and edit your content for grammar, spelling and style errors ensuring high quality content creation. It's like having a seasoned social media expert at your side, ready to boost your engagement and visibility with a few clicks and commands. Don’t you think? 

But don't take our word for it. Book a demo today and see for yourself.  


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