Predictive Dialing

Understand predictive dialing, its definition, benefits and how it works.

What is predictive dialing? 

Predictive dialing is an automated outbound calling system that makes calls from a calling list, without agent intervention. When a call gets answered, it is passed on to an available agent. Predictive dialer software is deployed to make these dialing decisions on certain algorithms and pre-defined rules. Predictive dialing helps attain higher calling rates, screen unproductive calls and optimize contact center workforce utilization

How does predictive dialing work? 

Predictive dialing was historically used for debt collection but is now used for telemarketing, sales and market research. It leverages a predictive dialer and works through the following steps: - 

  1. Predictive dialers use smart call analysis algorithms to identify and analyze critical call metrics such as average waiting time and average handle time (AHT).  
  2. These metrics are used by the algorithm to calculate variables like calling frequency and call delay to control the dialing process. 
  3. The contact center database is uploaded to the predictive dialer software and basic operational details such as calling frequency and call drop limits are configured. 
  4. The dialer starts placing phone calls while recording all important call data in real time in the background.  
  5. Once there is enough data, the predictive dialing algorithm takes over the process and starts dialing the contacts on behalf of the available agents.  
  6. Every time an agent is about to end a call, the dialer ensures that there is another answered call waiting in the queue.  
  7. If a call is not answered, the dialer leaves voicemails on the answering machine, to ensure high response rates and maximum efficiency. 


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