Add a Google Business Messaging Account


Note: Google has announced that they will be discontinuing Google Business Messages on July 31, 2024. Please refer to this article for more details about this change. We understand that this change might impact your current operations, and we are here to assist you through this transition. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at

You can add your Google Business Messaging account in Sprinklr just like any other business account. While adding the account, you will need to mention your Business ID provided to you by Google at the time of registering the account. Once you set up your Google Business Messaging account, you can receive, view, and reply to your messages directly through Sprinklr.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Before You Begin

To add a Google Business Messaging account in Sprinklr. You need to raise a support ticket to Sprinklr. The support team will provide the business id and the test URLs to test the flows.


For GBM Console: (Mandatory)

  • Agent Name

  • Entry Points (Local and non-Local)

  • Place IDs (if using local entry points)

  • Phone Number (if using non local entry points)

  • Contact URL (if using non local entry points)

  • Privacy URL

  • Logo Image

For Sprinklr Env:

  • Business ID - provided by Sprinklr Product Team

For Verification:

  • Brand account owner name

  • Brand account owner email address

  • Brand website URL

For further requirements, please refer to ths document:

To Add a Google Business Messaging Account

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Governance Console, click Accounts within Platform Setup.

  2. Click Add Account in the top right corner of the Accounts (Settings) window.

  3. On the Add Account window, select Google Business Messaging from the list of channels.

  4. On the Add Google Business Messaging account window, enter your display name in the Display Name field.

  5. Enter the business id provided by Google in the Business Id field.
    Adding Google Business Messaging Account

  6. Click Save in the bottom right corner.