Best Practices when developing a user experience


Apple provides a few guidelines that you can follow while configuring the userflow for your Apple messages for Business Journey. These guidelines can help you in getting the userflow approved faster.

  • Introductory/welcome message: Auto-respond to first message in a new conversation should be provided within 5 seconds by an automated system. When the customer starts a conversation with an automated system, provide a message like “This is an automated agent.” or “I'm an automated agent.”. For further information, please check here.

  • Terms of Use and Privacy Policy statements: These should be handled via a Rich Link to the brand’s web site, allowing users to read the full terms at their convenience. Do not send large bubbles of legal text in the conversation. These should only be sent the first time a user engages in the channel with the brand, or when the terms have been updated.

  • Initial triage: A triage menu should be sent at the beginning of the interaction. This is a quick way to guide and help the user. You may use a Quick Reply (up to 5 options). For more information, see Triage Customers.

  • Make an introduction: Always introduce live agents when a conversation begins (stating their name as a part of their introduction), and after transferring a customer to a new agent.

  • Live support availability: If a customer sends help outside of normal customer service hours when live agents aren't available, an automated response should let them know when a live agent is able to respond. See here for more information.

  • Allow switching from an automated to a live agent: A live agent must be reachable anytime the customer texts the word "help". Additionally, if an automated agent doesn’t understand a request, the agent must seamlessly transition to a live agent after displaying a message like “I'm routing your message to a live agent to better assist you.”.

  • Don't ask for previously provided information: Agents can access the entire conversation history, including previous responses and recent transactions, so there should be no need to ask a customer to repeat information.

  • Rich Link: All URLs should be sent as Rich Links. This means that no tap-to-load issues or in-text links should be sent.

  • Feature bubbles: Should have a relevant thumbnail image and call to action text, so customers are clear on the content of the feature and recognize it as a tappable item.

  • We encourage the use of satisfaction surveys: Once you complete an interaction with a customer, you may want to provide them with a customer service satisfaction (CSAT) survey. For a better customer experience, provide the CSAT surveys after the experience and not after every FAQ. For more information, please see here.

  • Typing indicators are missing in the experience: When an agent, live or automated, starts typing, the typing indicador should be displayed, so the experience is consistent. The typing indicador should be displayed before any message type (text or interactive). For messages sent by bots, as well as messages in sequence, use only a 1-second typing indicators before each message. For more information, please see Typing Indicator Message.

Past Feedback Received from Apple

  • Don't ask for personal information: Businesses must not request any personal information from the customers untill the point in the conversation where it is necessary to address user's issue. Personal infomation can be requested for these purposes:

    • First name - For relationship building

    • Full name or other information for account creation or infor,ation retrieval

  • Long Text in List Picker: The first line of the feature should be used as the title. Long text may be displayed cropped in some devices, and the user will not be able to read it before making a decision.

  • Opt In and Opt Out Process should be clear: Clearly mention the opt in and opt out steps. When a customer opts into notifications, explain how to opt out in the future. For example, you could send a response that says “You’re now signed up for New Years Journey notifications. Send ‘unsubscribe’ at anytime to turn off notifications.” Make sure your opt-out process is straightforward and easy to remember.