How to Configure Color Tags in Ads Manager


Sprinklr Ads Manager allows you to have an overall view of all your ad entities with a number of customizing options, such as configuring columns viewable at each level. In addition to this, if you want to track specific value ranges and make the edge cases stand out, you can use its Color Configuration.

The color tag configuration allows you to create a color configuration for specific columns in order to group and highlight values based on which actions are to be taken. You can also save this color configuration and use it later.

Use Cases of Color Configuration

Improved visibility


You can improve the visibility for edge cases using a color configuration in order to assess them and take necessary actions.

Eg, For campaigns having CTR (click-through rate) less than a certain value, a color configuration can be created to highlight these cases in red.

Bad performance highlight

You can highlight campaigns/ad sets/ad variants that are performing badly by putting a condition on specific metrics.

Eg, If the CPC (cost per click) is greater than a certain value, highlight the ad sets in red. In this way, you can be cautious of the bad-performing campaigns / ad sets / ad variants directly from the Ads Manager. Similarly, for ad variants, if an ad-variant is not receiving minimum threshold impressions, they can be color-coded to highlight them.

Good performance highlight

You can highlight campaigns / ad sets / ad-variants that are performing well based on specific metrics.

Eg, If Impressions are greater than a specific value, highlight those ad-variants in green to notice them in one go in the Ads Manager and take necessary actions.

Segmentation in Ads Manager

Suppose you wish to visually segment your campaigns based on a specific metric, e.g. Spent Level. In that case, you can create levels and associate different colors for high spending, medium spending and low spending campaigns/ad-sets. You can specify values for high, medium, and low spent and associate different colors to have a visual segmentation and better user experience.

Highlight Pacing deviated Campaigns / Ad Sets

To highlight campaigns/ad-sets whose spend is not pacing evenly and deviation rises above a certain rate, the metrics - Ad Set Lifetime Pacing Deviation, etc. can be used to specify a certain rate range and associate a color for the campaigns/ad-sets lying outside the range.

To Create and Save Color Tag Configurations

- Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

- Click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top-right corner of the Ads Manager window and select Color Tag.

Selecting Color Tag

- In the top-right corner of the Color Tag window, click Add Color Tag.

- On the Edit Color Tag Configuration window, enter a name for your color tag in the Name field.

Provide a name for your color tag configuration

- Under the Share with section, either check the box alongside visible in all workspaces for the color tag configuration to be visible in every workspace or select the particular Workspaces and User/Users Groups from the drop-down lists you want to share your color tag configuration with.

- Under the IF section within Criteria, select an Attribute, Operator, and a Value from the respective drop-down lists to create a condition. You can add multiple conditions to a criterion by clicking 

Add another filter


  • You can set metrics and dimensions within your color tag criteria.

  • Custom fields will be grouped according to their ad entity levels and you can only have custom fields belonging to one level within a single criterion.

    For example, if you have selected a Paid Initiative custom field for your color tag criteria, then you will not be able to select an Ad Set or Ad Variant custom field in the IF and THEN attributes under the same criterion.

Click the Addition icon Space Add New Tab Icon alongside the IF criteria to set multiple criteria for a single THEN configuration.

Add Multiple Color Tag Criteria under same THEN action

- Based on the condition, select the desired dimension or social measurement metric column that needs to be color-coded from the drop-down list under the THEN section to the right of the condition.

- Click Add another Criteria at the bottom if you desire to color code multiple columns in one color tag configuration.

- Click Save from the bottom right corner to save the color tag configuration. You can view the color tag configuration in the Ads Manager window.

Overview of Color Tag Configuration in Sprinklr Advertising Ads Manager window

- Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Tools and Settings within Plan.

- From the Ads Settings window, select Color Tags within Value Added Features. You can also search for it in the search bar above.

- On the Color Tags window, hover over the Options iconSpace_Icon_Options (Vertical).pngalongside a color tag configuration to Edit or Delete the color tag.


Under the Active column, you can slide the Toggle icon Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 11.07.13 AM.png to activate/deactivate the color tag configuration.