Filter Options in the Ads Manager


When you apply filters in the Ads Manager, you can customize your view of Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants to find and manage relevant data quickly. 

In this article, we will guide you through the following filter actions in Ads Manager:

  • Apply Filters

  • Save Filters

  • Manage Saved Filters

  • Date Range Filters

  • No Data after Applying Filters?

Note: Use of this feature requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

Apply Filters in Ads Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, go to the Advertising tab and click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. In the top-left corner of the Ads Manager window, you can select from:

    • Quick Filter - Select from an already saved filter in the list. You can apply this filter with a single click, and the values will be dynamically filtered out in your Ads Manager window.

    • Add Filter - Manually apply filters and the values will be dynamically filtered out in your Ads Manager window. You can switch between Advanced Filters and Simple Filters.

    • Channel / Account / Objective Filters - Filter ad entities based on the Channel, Objective, and/or Ad Account. For more information, see To Apply Channel, Objective, and Account Filter.

Note: The Advanced Filter drop-down pane will open by default. However, if you have switched between filter types, then the last opened filter type will be opened by clicking the Add Filter option.

Apply Filters in Ads Manager

 Simple Filters

  1. On the Add Filter drop-down pane, click Switch to Simple Filters in the bottom-left corner of the Advanced Filters pane. If the simple filter drop-down pane opens by default, simply proceed with the next steps.

  2. Click the Search icon to search through available filters by typing in keywords to quickly find the filter you need.

  3. The Simple Filters drop-down has two scrollable panes. Select your filter preferences from the following tabs and their corresponding panes:

    Custom Fields
    • Filter Type - Select the type of filter you want to apply from this pane, for example, Objective, Channel, etc.

    • Filter Values - Select one or more filter values from this pane and results will filter dynamically.

    • Custom Field - Select a custom field from this pane.

    • Custom Field Values - Select one or more custom field values from this pane and results will filter dynamically.

    Apply Simple Filters to your Ads Manager window

  4. You can click outside the Simple Filters drop-down to close the pane.

  5. Access your applied filters from the labeled blocks in the same pane as the Add Filter option. You can easily remove them by clicking the Cross icon Space_Icon_Exit or Close.png alongside each filter or the Cross icon Space_Icon_Exit or Close.png to the far right of the Filters container.
    Clear All the applied filters from your Ads Manager window


Advanced Filters

  1. On the Add Filter drop-down pane, click Switch to Advanced Filters in the bottom-left corner of the Simple Filters pane. If the advanced filter drop-down pane opens by default, simply proceed with the next steps.

  2. Select your filter preferences from the following fields:

    • Select Field - Select the dimensions or measurements from the first drop-down field.

    • Select Operator - Select the operator to check against your filter values. Note that some operators cannot be changed.

    • Select/Enter Value - Select/Enter the filter value for which you want to filter your ad entities.

An example of Advanced Filters is to check if one or more custom fields are tagged or not tagged at the Paid Initiative, Ad Set, and Ad Variant levels.

Note: If you already have filters applied to your Ads Manager window, they will auto-populate in the Advanced Filters drop-down pane.

Apply Advanced Filters to your Ads Manager window

- Click the Addition icon Space Add New Tab Icon to add multiple filters to your Advanced Filter.

- You can click outside the Advanced Filters drop-down to close the pane.

- Access your applied filters from the labeled blocks in the same pane as the Add Filter option. You can easily remove them by clicking the Cross icon Space_Icon_Exit or Close.png alongside each filter or the Cross icon Space_Icon_Exit or Close.png to the far right of the Filters container.

To Apply Channel, Objective and Account Filter

You can apply an Ad Account, Objective, and Channel filter upfront for a customized view of your ad entities. Adding an Account or a Channel filter allows you to quickly optimize campaigns across one/multiple accounts or accounts belonging to a particular channel, simultaneously. This provides greater control over your Ads Manager view and its filtering capabilities. In the top section bar of the Ads Manager window, click Channel, Objective, or Account and select the desired option from the drop-down.


  • The selected Channel, Objective, and/or Ad Account will show up in the filter summary as labeled blocks and behave like other filters.

    • If Channel is selected first then the Ad Account options will be pre-filtered.

    • If Ad Account is selected before Channel; then the Channel selection will override the Ad Account selections.

  • Additonal filters within Simple Filters (add link) will automatically get filtered based on channel / account / objective selections such as the buying type, bid strategy, etc.


Save Filters in Ads Manager

- After selecting filter values, you can save the filter by clicking Save in the far right of the Filters container.

Click Save Filters to save your applied filters into a quick filter

On the Save as New Filter window, provide your new filter a Name, make changes to the selected filter values as needed, and click Save and Apply in the bottom right corner. If you wish, you can add more filter values, by clicking Add another filter.

Save Filters window in Ads Manager

The saved filters are available within the Quick Filters option in the Ads Manager.

Edit, Delete, or Rename Saved Filters

- You can make changes to the details of saved filters by clicking Manage Quick Filters within the Quick Filters (add link) dropdown.

Manage filters in the Ads Manager window

- On the Manage Filters window, select/search a saved filter, make any edits to the name or configuration of the filter as needed, and click Update Selected Filter in the bottom right corner.

- To delete a saved filter, on the Manage Filters window, hover over a saved filter and click the Delete icon Space_Icon_Delete.png.

Edit, Delete, or Rename filters in the Manage Filters window

In addition to the status and property filters available in filter options, you can also set a date range to filter your Ads Manager view by specific dates. 

To apply filter by Date Range

- In the top right corner of the Ads Manager window, above the Filters container, click the Duration Picker block to apply a date range filter.

- Set a predefined or custom range by selecting the desired duration. You will see a Range Menu on the left of the pop-up window to select either a predefined range or a custom range.

Apply Date Range Filter in Ads Manager

- In the top-right corner of the Select Date Range window, click Timezone to apply your date range filter with a time zone that is not your default time zone.


  • If you select a Predefined date range and then change the Timezone, the selected range will be changed in accordance with the timezone. However, changing the time zones will not affect the Custom date range.

  • If you set a Custom Range and try to either extend or shorten it by clicking on a date, then the newly selected date will be set as a start date.

  • When you change the timezone in the Time Range filter, values in the Date columns in Ads Manager are updated in accordance with the selected timezone.

- In the bottom-left corner, check the box alongside Filter Stats only to only filter the stats/metrics for the given time duration.

- Click Apply in the bottom right corner to set your date range filter.

No Data after Applying Filters?

You may sometimes find no data populate on your Ads Manager window for the applied filters. This is because of applying the wrong filters or time-range to your ad entities. Please refer to the quick tips available at all three levels of the empty Ads Manager window (also provided below) to resolve the issue with ease. You can also click Reset Filters available on the same window to reset to the default view. 

  • Ensure that the ad-account of the ad is not deactivated. Refer to the Accounts section or contact your admin for more info.

  • Please check that the time-range selected is not very narrow.

  • Make sure that the applied filters are appropriate.

  • Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.

Quick Suggestions for empty Ads Manager window on Applying filters