How to Bulk Edit Ad Campaigns in Ads Manager


Once you have created multiple campaigns within Sprinklr, you can bulk edit the saved campaigns. The bulk edit option will enable you to edit details of multiple campaigns, even when the fields are different or values are mixed.

To Bulk Edit Campaigns in Ads Manager

1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, go to the Advertising tab and click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. Select the campaigns you want to edit by checking the boxes alongside their names and click View & Edit from the bottom Edit panel.

Bulk Edit Campaigns in Ads Manager

3. You can now edit the campaign details in the Edit pane to the right. To learn more about the basic information filled out when a campaign is created, see About the Ads Composer (add link)

Tip: If one or more campaigns were missed out from your bulk selection, you can simultaneously add them with the Edit pane open by checking the boxes alongside their names.

View And Edit Window to edit campaign details in Ads Manager


  • Performance Summary is meant for single-channel entities only. You cannot bulk edit Performance summary for entities having different channels.

  • You cannot use bulk edit option to add or update goal configuration for Twitter as Twitter-Line Item apps are not supported.

  • You cannot use Reach and Frequency buying options if an Ad Set is Archived or Deleted.

  • You cannot bulk edit

    • Audience & Placement for entities associated with different channels

    • Scheduling & Pricing for entities associated with different accounts

    • Approval properties for entities associated with different statuses

    • Advance fields for entities associated with different objectives

    • Optimization strategies

    • Tracking for entities associated with different objectives

    • Rules

    • Creatives disabled for different reasons

    • Reach and Frequency for multiple Ad Sets

    • Targeting for Snapchat after the Ad is published

    • Twitter Double Click URL.

    • Campaign Objectives

    • Ad Accounts

    • Creatives if post types are different

    • Carousel ads if the number of cards is different

    • Entities associated with different Facebook pages