Capacity limits for Channels


Unified Routing enables users to create multiple Capacity Groups inside a Capacity Profile depending on the number of channels (Social, Email, Voice, SMS, etc.) from which the incoming cases come from. In this way, an agent can be assigned cases from multiple channels at a time and we can individually configure the capacity to be consumed by these cases at channel level.

In this article, we will explore how to leverage the advantages of channel based capacity configuration for omni channel agents.


Use Case :

Set up capacity configuration in such a way that an agent should not recieve more than 2 cases from "Social" channel and not more than 5 cases from "Email" channel at a time. The agent is abled enough to handle the 2 Social cases + 5 Email cases simultaneously. No other channel cases should be assigned to agent automatically.

Configuration :

Here we define two capacity groups for "Social" and "Email" respectively. We divide the total agent capacity (100 Points) into two halves, 50 points for "Social" and 50 for "Email" cases.

Capacity Group 1 : Since we want a maximum of 2 cases to be assigned to agent from "Social" channel, we calculate the Capacity Consumed per Case as Maximum Allowed Capacity / Maximum number of Cases, i.e., 50/2 = 25.

Capacity Group 2 : Since we want a maximum of 5 cases to be assigned to agent from "Email" channel, we calculate the Capacity Consumed per Case as Maximum Allowed Capacity / Maximum number of Cases, i.e., 50/5 = 10.

Capacity Overflow Configuration

There can be scenarios where there sudden or high inflow of cases for a particular channel. Here the total default capacity of the agents is already occupied by existing cases but we still want to assign the incoming cases to the agents. In such situations, capacity overflow allows in assigning extra capacity points to agents, which can be only used up if the default capacity is exhausted.

Use Case :

An agent is skilled to take up cases from "Social" and "Voice Call" channel simultaneously with the following conditions :

1. The agent can handle only one "Voice Call" at a time. Once an agent is on a call, he should not be assigned any further cases.

2. The agent should not recieve more than 2 cases from "Social" channel at a time. If the agent has exhausted his full capacity with 2 cases from "Social" channel, he should still recieve a "Voice Call" if it comes up.

Configuration :

Capacity Group 1 : From the first condition, the agent should not recieve any other case once he is on a call. Thus, Capacity Consumed by a voice call should be 100 (total deafult capacity of the agent). This is also the Maximum Allowed Capacity.

Capacity Group 2 : From the second condition, the default capacity of the agent should be completely used when 2 cases from "Social" channel are assigned. In this case, Maximum Allowed Capacity = Total deafult capacity of the agent = 100. Thus, Capacity Consumed per case = Maximum Allowed Capacity / Maximum number of cases, i.e., 100/2 = 50.

Now, it is also given that an agent should recieve a voice call if his capacity is consumed by Social channel. Thus, in capacity group 2, we define "Can be interrupted by" as "Voice Call". This means that a voice call can interrupt or override the cases from Social channel. Only the channels mentioned in "Can be interrupted by" field will be allowed to consume the overflow capacity.

Hence, we assign 100 capacity points as in "Allowed Capacity Overflow" field.