Controlling ACW and Voice settings at Queue level


In Unifed Routing, we can specifically define the configuration of voice calls at work queue level. Each work queue can have a different SLA, After Call Work, and Call Timoeiut settings. In this article we learn how to set these configuration.

Enable Voice Settings

First, edit any work queue and click on Use Voice checkbox. This will enable the settings whcih will be applied to all the voice calls assigned to the work queue.

After Call Work (ACW)

Upon enabling "Use Voice" checkbox, you will get an option of "Use ACW". After Call Work is a questionnaire that agents are expected to fill after handling a call. Unified Routing allows us to set customised ACWs for agent based on work channel or skills tagged with the calls who get calls from this work queue. To learn more about what is ACW and how it can be used, refer to this article.

Custom ACW

You can also trigger a specific ACW according to the type of call. For example - for a call related to Bank issue, we can enable a specific form to be filled by the agent.

You can add the criteria when the custom ACW should be opened. Example - Here we tag cases related to Credit Card issue with the skill "Credit Card". For such cases, we do not want to open ACME Retail form, but ACME Bank instead.

You can add multiple Custom ACWs as per requirements.

Default ACW

This ACW is triggered when there the case do not pass in any filters defined in custom ACW.

SLA Settings

SLA in an abbreviation for Service Level Agreement, which is a predefined time. If there is any call with pending in the queue for more than this predefined time, we say that the SLA is breached.

SLA % = (Number of Calls that got assigned to agent within SLA target time)/ (Total number of Calls in Queue)

SLA Target Time

The time after which a pending/unassigned call in the queue will breach the SLA

SLA Calculation Duration

If this is set as T minutes, then SLA for the queue will be calculated in every T minutes

Target % SLA

If the SLA% is less than the target, then this queue will not be eligible as a backup queue to other Work Queues

Average Handling Time (AHT) Configuration
Average Handeling Time (AHT) is the time since the customer call is picked up by an agent. The basic use case of AHT configuration is to change the call controls widgets colour depending on the amount of time that has traversed, per you the setting the value inside the configuration. This povides a visual indicator to the agent that the SLA is about to breach and he/she should wrap up quickly.

For setting up this config you first need to enable the checkbox adjacent to AHT config. For more detailed use cases of AHT configuration, refer to this article.

Call Answering Settings

In this, users can define the number of times a voice call should be considered to assign to an agent



Total Retries with all users

This means how many times should the routing algorithm try to assign a call to the agents of the work queue. One by one, the call popup will appear for each agent in the queue till any agent picks up the call or the customer disconnects. Once the total number of call popup reaches the Total Retries, the call is either disconencted or transferred to another queue based on the defined configuration.

Maximum retries with one user

This is maximum number of time a call should be tried to assign to one agent. If the field value = n, then system will try to assign the call a maximum of n+1 times to a user.

So, the call popup on an agent screen will appear a mximum of n+1 times for a particular call.

Call Answering Timeout

​Here we can define how long a call should wait for an agent before he/she accepts. The call popup on the agent screen will be displayed upto call answering timeout, after which the popup will disappear and the routing algorithm will try to assign the call to the next agent.