Advertising Crisis Switch


You can activate the Crisis Switch within Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) to instantly shut down your advertising activities for all or selected ad accounts across channels. On activating this capability, all your Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants for selected accounts will cease to run.

If you would like to activate the Crisis Switch, please contact your System Administrator for permission to use this feature.

Use Cases for the Crisis Switch

  • Strategically turn off Paid Initiatives at a full-global level with a single click, or with more precise control by adding some custom filters.

  • Save your time, money, and brand equity by not having to reach out to agency teams in different markets to shut down Paid Initiatives with no direct visibility as to when the action has been taken.

  • Manage the risk of PR crises with the ability to automatically stop advertising across various social channels.

To Activate Crisis Switch

1. Click the New Tab icon. From the Search bar, search, and select Crisis Switch.

2. On the Crisis Switch window, select the scope of shutdown from:

  • Global - This action will stop the advertising activities of all your accounts. 

  • Custom - This action will stop the advertising activities of the selected accounts.

Ads Kill Switch window in Modern Advertising

3. Under Select Activities, you will find the below activities pre-selected:

  • All future activities of the account - This will stop all future activities including Paid Initiatives, Bulk Imports, Rule Engine Optimization, and Auto Boosting. This option cannot be deselected.

  • All ongoing activities of the account - This will stop all ongoing activities including Paid Initiatives, Bulk Imports, Rule Engine Optimization, and Auto Boosting. You can deselect this option by unchecking the box alongside.


No ads will run on the selected account/s until the crisis switch is deactivated. Once the crisis switch is deactivated, you will be able to fully control everything again. For more information, see Scenario after Deactivating Crisis Switch.

4. At the bottom of the window, you can see the number of Accounts, Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants that will be shut down.


The Reach and Frequency Paid Initiatives will not get paused after activating the crisis switch.

5. Click Activate Crisis Switch in the bottom-right corner. The Crisis Switch will activate right away once it is clicked. For further queries, refer to the FAQ for Ads Crisis Switch.

To Deactivate Crisis Switch

1. Click the New Tab icon. From the Search bar, search, and select Crisis Switch.

2. When the crisis switch is activated, click Deactivate Crisis Switch at the bottom of the Crisis Switch window.

For more information on what happens when the crisis switch is deactivated, see below.
Deactivate the Ads Kill Switch

What Happens after the Crisis Switch is Deactivated?

All advertising Paid Initiatives will not get activated automatically. You will be required to activate them manually after the crisis switch has been deactivated. This provides governance over those Paid Initiatives that are required to be live rather than having all the Paid Initiatives active in an instant.


Yes, you can build content and Paid Initiatives when the Ads Crisis Switch is enabled. However, it won’t be able to go live after creation.

Reach and Frequency Paid Initiatives will not be paused after activating the crisis switch.

Once the Ads Crisis Switch is enabled, all Paid Initiatives (except Reach and Frequency) will be paused. You cannot filter out or manually identify the paused Paid Initiatives in your environment.