Compose Performance Max Ads


Advertise on Google and reach a wider group of audience.

To learn more, click Ads Composer.

Enablement Note: The use of this capability requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

Select Account and Objective

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Google Ad Account.

  3. Enter your campaign name in the Campaign Name field or select Use a Naming Convention to select from predefined campaign names.

  4. Choose objective as Performance Max and then choose loaction and language.

  5. Now choose the Sprinklr Campaign if you want to.

  6. Click Define Custom Properties and select the desired custom properties.

  7. Click Next.

Apply Targeting

  1. On the Targeting window, select from Saved Target Audience or click Create New Audience to create a new audience for your Ad.

  2. Once you create a new target audience or select from the saved target audience, click Save Target Audience or Save. For more information, see table below.

  3. Click Next to go to the Budget & Schedule window.


Provide a name for your Google targeting audience.


Select interest based on on your target audience


Select for gender specific targetting

Minimum Age

Select the minimum targeteting age

Maximum Age

Select the maximum targetting age

Parental Status

Select to choose from parental status of traget audience

Minimum Household Income

Choose if you want to set a minimum household income of audience

Maximum Household Income

Choose if ytou want to target a maximum household income of audience

Custom Audience

Choose from the already created custom audience(Not available as of now)

Budget and Schedule

  1. Enter the details for the respective fields. For more details, see table below​

  2. Click Next.

Start Date

Enter the start date for your campaign

End date

Enter the end date for your campaign

Margin Entry Type

Enter the agency margin type


Select Agency Margin

Spend Cap

Set spend cap

Daily Budget

Enter the daily budget for your campaign(only daily budget is available)

Optimize for

Select the optimization goal, by default it is set toi conversions


Enter the bid details

Dayparting details

Enter the time and day to run ads on a schedule

Select Creatives

  1. On the Creatives window, select from saved Google Creatives, or click Create New Creative to craft new Ad Creatives.

  2. Select the Ad format from the following options- Image and Carousel.

Create New Creatives for Performance Max Ad

Post Type

Performance Max Ad


Upload 3 Image in this section. You can add upto 20 images.

Note: Image formats are 1.91:1, 1:1, 4:5


Upload logo in this section. You can add upto 5 logos.

Note: Add one image of 1:1 ratio

Youtube Video

Upload video URL of youtube video.

Note: You can add upto 5 Youtube Videos


Upload the headline for the ad. 3 headlines are mandatory.

Note: You can add upto 5 headlines


Upload the description of the ad. 2 descriptions are mandatory.

Note: You can add upto 5 description

Long Headline

Upload the long headline for the ad.

Note: You can add upto 5 long headlines

Final URL

Enter the Final URL you want to be on your add

Display URL

Enter the Diplay URL path 1 and path 2 for the ad.

Mobile URL

Enter the Mobile URL for the ad.

Business Name

Enter Business name for ad.

Call to Action

Select the CTA button for the ad.

Web Analytics

Add web analtics profile to track

Advanced Configuration

On PI Level:

  • In the Advanced Configuration section, you can select options that are not mandatory, including applying Custom Properties.

  • You can select a benchmark at the campaign level from Select Benchmark drop-down menu.

  • You can add Tracking template, Final URL suffix and Custom parameters.

  • You can also add Sitelinks for Google Performance Max Ads. (Refer this for more context )

  • You can also add Callouts for Google Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also add Promotions for Google Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also add calls for Google Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also add Structured Snippet for Google Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also add Prices for Google Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also add Brand Exclusions for Performance Max Ads.

  • You can also apply DCM to Performance Max campaigns from advanced configuration screen.

On Ad-set Level:

  • You can add Search Themes for the Performance Max Ads.

  • You can tags to configure and filter your adets.

  • You can select a benchmark at the adset level from Select Benchmark drop-down menu.

On Ad Level:

  • You can tags to configure and filter your adets.

  • You can select a benchmark at the adset level from Select Benchmark drop-down menu.


Automate the management of budget distribution, bidding, targeting, and creatives rotation to achieve your optimization objective with a minimum cost per action using Strategy Groups.

  1. On the Configure your Campaign Optimization window, select one or more Strategy Group optimization(s) you want to apply to your campaign from the Strategy Group drop-down menu. Your selected Strategy Group(s) details will be displayed below.

  2. If you want to create your Strategy Group from scratch and then apply it to your campaign, click Create New below the drop-down menu or Create New Strategy Group in the top-right corner of the drop-down (when a Strategy Group is selected). This will open up the Strategy Group creation pane alongside and you will not need to leave Ads Composer.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the Review section for scheduling and publishing your campaign.


On the Review window, you can review all details for the Paid Initiative, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants, including the basic details for your Campaign, Ad Set Targeting, Placements, Duration & Pricing, and all Ad Creatives.

Click Publish and select one from the following:

  • Publish - To immediately schedule your Ad Campaign on Google Ads.

  • Published as Paused - To publish the ad campaign without activating it.

  • Send for Approval - To send your newly composed campaign to a reviewer for approval.

Other capabilities available in Google Performance Max campaigns:

  • Automated Ads

  • Bulk import


  • Auto Import

  • DCM

  • Naming conventions

  • Strategy Groups (Smart Bidding under development)

  • ACL

  • Ads Reporting

  • Rule Engine

  • Ads Manager

  • Ads Pivot

  • Audience Manager (under development)

  • Sprinklr AI+ (under development)