Compose Reddit Ads using Ad Composer


Advertise on Reddit and reach a wider group of audience.

Through Reddit Ads in Sprinklr, you can advertise to a 100k + active community, and 500M+ monthly visitors globally, allowing your brand to reach a highly engaged and active audience.

Now to compose reddit ads on Sprinklr through Ads Composer, follow these steps:

Select Account and Objective

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Reddit Ad Account.

  3. Enter your campaign name in the Campaign Name field or select Use a Naming Convention to select from predefined campaign names.

  4. In the Campaign Details section, choose your campaign objective from Select Objective for your Campaign.

  5. Select the custom properties under Define Custom Properties and click Next.

More Details regarding Reddit objectives:



Brand Awareness and Reach 

Increase awareness of your brand or product. Pay for: cost per thousand impressions 



Drive traffic to your website. Pay for: cost per click 


Increase views for your video. Pay for: cost per view 

Video Views 

Increase views for your video. Pay for: cost per view 

App Installs 

Drive installs for your mobile app. Pay for: cost per click 

Catalog Sales 

Drive sales of your retail products and services. Pay for: cost per click. 

Apply Targeting: 

  1. On the Targeting window, select from Saved Target Audience or click Create New Audience to create a new audience for your Ad. 

  2. Once you create a new target audience or select from the saved target audience, click Save Target Audience or Save.  

  3. Click Next to go to the Budget & Schedule window. 

Targeting — Field Descriptions: 

Field Name 



Give your audience a name or use a naming convention. 


Include a location filter to target users in a specific country or region. 


Target members of a community and redditors who have recently interacted with that community. 


Target redditors viewing certain keywords. 

Custom Audience 

Choose or create custom audiences to include or exclude in your targeting. 

Audience Expansion 

Automatically show your ad to users similar to the community audiences and interest groups you chose. 


Target users based on their interests, determined by content they’ve interacted with recently. 

Device (IOS/Android) 

Choose the device you want to show your ad to. 


Choose this option to show your ad to audience using reddit on desktop. 

Reddit Audience type:

Customers lists: Create or upload a list of customers to target.

Website Retargeting: Use the Reddit Pixel to identify redditors who have interacted with your website and drive them further down the conversion funnel.

Reddit Engagement Retargeting: Target redditors who have previously interacted with your ads on Reddit.

Budget and Schedule 

  1. Enter the details for the respective fields. 

  2. Click Next. 

Budget and Schedule — Field Descriptions 



Configure all Ad Sets individually 

Select to apply individual configuration for your Ad Sets, if you have applied multiple targeting selections. 

Enter the Schedule & Budget details 

Start Date 

Set a Start Date for your Ad Set. 

End Date  

Set an End Date for your Ad Set. 

Budget Type 

Select a budget type from the dropdown menu. 

Daily/Lifetime Budget Amount 

Set the budget for your Ad Set according to the budget type. 

Enter the Placement details for all Ad Sets 


Show your ads to users who are browsing their Home and Popular feeds, as well as individual community feeds. 


Show your ads to users who are engaging with others about a specific post. The ad will appear in a fixed location between the post and the first comment. 

Enter the Dayparting details for all Ad Squads 

Run ads all the time 

Select to run your Ads every time. 

Run ads on a schedule 

Select to run your Ads on a specific schedule. 

Enter the Bidding details 

Maximum Bidding 

Manual Bidding 

Lets you set one bid for all ad auctions. 

Bid Amount 

Enter the bid amount 

Select Creatives: 

On the Creatives window, select from saved Reddit Creatives, or click Create New Creative to craft new Ad Creatives.  


Creative Type Available 

Brand Awareness and Reach 

Image, Text, Video, Carousal 


Image, Video, Carousal 


Image, Video, Carousal 

Video Views 


App install 

Image, Video, Carousal 


For Creating new creative follow these steps for each of the creative: 

Text Ads: 

  1. Write your headline: This should be a concise and attention-grabbing sentence that conveys your message or offer. Make sure headline meets Reddit editorial requirements

  2. Body: Write a brief description that provides more context and encourages users to take action. Keep it engaging and to the point. Make sure body copy meets Reddit editorial requirements

  3. Allow Comments (optional): You can allow users to engage with your post and start a conversation with you and other users through comments. 

 Follow these limits for each section mentioned:




300 characters   


40,000 characters 


Video Ads: 

  1. Write your headline: This should be a concise and attention-grabbing sentence that conveys your message or offer. 

  2. Select or upload a video: Select the video you want to use for your ad. 

  3. Add or choose a thumbnail image from the video: Add thumbnail image for your ad. 

  4. Input the destination URL: Your ad will direct redditors to the mentioned URL.  

  5. Include a call-to-action (CTA): Select a CTA button from the list that encourages users to interact with your ad.  

  6. Allow Comments: You can allow users to engage with your post and start a conversation with you and other users through comments.  

Follow these limits for each section mentioned:

Video ads  



300 characters   

Supported formats 

MP4, MOV (ProRes not accepted)   

File size 

1GB max   

Maximum length 

15:00 minutes   

Thumbnail file size 

500KB max   


Image Ads: 

  1. Write your headline: This should be a concise and attention-grabbing sentence that conveys your message or offer. 

  2. Select or upload a image: Select the image you want to use for your ad. 

  3. Add thumbnail image: Add thumbnail image for your ad. 

  4. Input the destination URL: Your ad will direct redditors to the mentioned URL. 

  5. Include a call-to-action (CTA): Select a CTA button from the list that encourages users to interact with your ad. 

  6. Allow Comments: You can allow users to engage with your post and start a conversation with you and other users through comments. 

Follow these limits for each section mentioned:

Image ads  



300 characters   

Supported formats 


File size 

3MB max   

Thumbnail file size 

500KB max   


Carousal Ads: 

  1. Write your headline: This should be a concise and attention-grabbing sentence that conveys your message or offer.  

  2. Select or upload images: Select the image you want to use for your ad.  

  3. Input the destination URL for each image: Your ad will direct redditors to the mentioned URL. 

  4. Add thumbnail image: Add thumbnail image for your ad.  

  5. Include a call-to-action (CTA): Select a CTA button from the list that encourages users to interact with your ad.  

  6. Add captions to your carousal. 

  7. Allow Comments: You can allow users to engage with your post and start a conversation with you and other users through comments.  

Follow these limits for each section mentioned: 

Carousel ads  



300 characters   


50 characters, appears under card image   

Supported formats 


File size 

20MB max each 


3MB for GIFs, 3–10s in length 

Thumbnail file size 

500KB max   

Destination URL 

Required for each card (URLs must start with HTTPS and can't end in a semicolon.) 

Advanced Tracking URL: 

You can change the Paid Initiative name, add tags to categorise & filter your Paid Initiative and define custom properties. 

You can change the Ad set name, add tags to categorise & filter your ad set, Enable Ad Set Benchmarking and define custom properties to your ad sets. 

You can change Ad variant name, add tags to categorise & filter your ad variant, Enable Ad Set Benchmarking, add Impression Tracking URL and Click Tracking URL and define custom properties to your ad variant.


Automate the management of budget distribution, bidding, targeting, and creatives rotation to achieve your optimization objective with a minimum cost per action using Strategy Groups. Learn more about Strategy Groups

  1. On the Configure your Campaign Optimization window, select one or more Strategy Group optimization(s) you want to apply to your campaign from the Strategy Group drop-down menu. Your selected Strategy Group(s) details will be displayed below. 

  2. If you want to create your Strategy Group from scratch and then apply it to your campaign, click Create New below the drop-down menu or Create New Strategy Group in the top-right corner of the drop-down (when a Strategy Group is selected). This will open up the Strategy Group creation pane alongside and you will not need to leave Ads Composer

  3. To learn more about creating a Strategy Group, see Create a Strategy Group

  4. Click Next to proceed to the Review section for scheduling and publishing your campaign. 

NOTE: Only Pacing Control is supported in Strategy Group as of 25th Oct 2023.


On the Review window, you can review all details for the Paid Initiative, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants, including the basic details for your Campaign, Ad Set Targeting, Placements, Duration & Pricing, and all Ad Creatives. 


Click the Back button in the Ads Composer to go back to make any changes to Campaign Details, Targeting, Budget & Scheduling, or Creatives. 

Click Publish and select one from the following: 

  • Publish - To immediately schedule your Ad Campaign on Snapchat. 

  • Published as Paused - To publish the ad campaign without activating it. 

  • Send for Approval - To send your newly composed campaign to a reviewer for approval. 

To learn more, click Ads Composer.