Reporting Support for Ads QA Checklist


Eliminate the risk of off-brand advertising with an automated QA Checklist. 

This comprehensive knowledge base is dedicated to details for Reporting support of Ads QA Checklist and includes detailed definition of supported Metrics & Dimensions.

Here, you'll find essential resources and guidelines to ensure compliance with advertising standards, along with detailed insights into key ads reporting metrics and dimensions for optimizing ad campaigns effectively.

 Note: If you missed our previous explanation on what a Campaign QA Checklist entails, you can see it here. You can also visit here to discover more about how to Set up the Campaign QA Checklist.

Advantages of Reporting Support for Ads QA Checklist

  • Gain a bird's-eye view of campaign performance to pinpoint prevalent mistakes, ensuring timely corrections and accountability for compliance against the checklist.

  • Accelerate time-to-launch and optimize campaigns for adherence to guidelines, enhancing overall campaign precision.

  • Increase visibility with oversight into compliance status across ads and provide detailed insights per user, facilitating informed decision-making.

Steps to create Reporting Dashboard

  1. In Sprinklr Marketing, under Advertising product suite, click on the "Ads Reporting" Tab.

  2. Click the "+ Create Dashboard" icon to add a new dashboard.

  3. To create a customized dashboard, click on the “Create Your Own” button. This will lead you to a page where you can add and arrange widgets to tailor your dashboard.

  4. Name your dashboard, chose the location and folder, as well as other settings such as recipients for dashboard and frequency for a scheduled report.

  5. Initially, your Reporting Dashboard will be empty. Click the "Add Widget" button to populate it with Widgets and visualize your Project and Task data.

  6. Add the "Widget Name" and select the "Data Source" as "Paid" from the provided list.

  7. Add the desired dimensions and metric from the checklist field list. Please find the list of supported metrics and dimensions added below.

  8. After adding all the widgets, click on the "Add to Dashboard" icon to add each widget to the dashboard accordingly. Organize widgets into different sections for optimal dashboard organization and functionality.

9. Once the user adds the widgets, the image below displays the output of the added widget. Filters can be applied using the icons provided below. The date range specified can be adjusted according to the needs of the checklist.

Dimensions and Metrics for Checklist






Ad Account

The specific advertising account associated with the ad campaign.



The platform or medium where the advertisement will be displayed.


Paid Initiative

a. Name

b. Status

Refers to the overarching advertising campaign.

The name of the paid initiative or campaign.

The current status (active, paused, completed, etc.) of the paid initiative.


Ad Set

a. Name

b. Status

Specifies a group of ads within a campaign.

The name of the ad set within the campaign.

The current status of the ad set.


Ad Variant

a. Name

b. Status

Represents a specific version of an ad within a campaign.

The name of the ad variant.

The current status of the ad variant.


Campaign Creator

The entity responsible for creating the campaign.


Campaign Editor

The entity responsible for editing the campaign


Entity Level

The organizational or hierarchical level associated with the campaign.


Checklist Name

The name of the checklist used for managing campaign tasks.


Checklist Status

The current status of the checklist (open, in progress, completed, etc.)


Account Custom Fields

Custom fields specific to the advertising account.


Paid Initiative Custom Fields

Custom fields specific to the paid initiative or campaign.


Ad Set Custom Fields

Custom fields specific to the ad set.


Ad Variant Custom Fields

Custom fields specific to the ad variant or creative.


Checklist Type (Lifetime/Custom)

The type of checklist used (lifetime or custom).


Checklist Applicability Date

The date when the checklist is applicable or valid.


Campaign Creator

The entity responsible for creating the campaign.


Campaign Editor

The entity responsible for editing the campaign.


Ad Set Creator

The entity responsible for creating the ad set.


Ad Set Editor

The entity responsible for editing the ad set.


Ad Variant Creator

The entity responsible for creating the ad variant.


Ad Variant Editor

The entity responsible for editing the ad variant.


Compliance Control

This dimension categorizes the percentage of checklists followed into distinct buckets to provide insights into campaign performance at both overall and individual entity levels. Buckets are -


Sr. No.




% Checklist followed

Number of checklist errors / Checklist Fields evaluated


Number of incorrect fields

Total incorrect fields in campaign against checklist


Checklist Fields evaluated

Total campaigns fields evaluated against checklist


Volume of Paid Initiative

Number of Paid Initiative


Volume of Ad Set

Number of Ad sets


Volume of Ad Variant

Number of Ad Variants


% of checklist followed only on Paid Inititaive

Number of checklist errors only on Paid Initiative / Checklist Fields evaluated only on Paid Initiative


% of checklist followed only on Ad Sets

Number of checklist errors only on Ad Sets / Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Sets


% of checklist followed only on Ad Variant

Number of checklist errors only on Ad Variant / Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Variant


Number of checklist errors only on Paid Initiative

Number of checklist errors only on Paid Initiatives


Number of checklist errors only on Ad Sets

Number of checklist errors only on Ad Sets


Number of checklist errors only on Ad Variants

Number of checklist errors only on Ad Variants


Checklist Fields evaluated only on Paid Initiatives

Checklist Fields evaluated only on Paid Initiatives


Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Sets

Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Sets


Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Variants

Checklist Fields evaluated only on Ad Variants

Demonstration of Standard Dashboard

The video below demonstrates the standard dashboard featuring the comprehensive usability of the checklist and the checklist errors specific to the QA checklist.

Enablement Note: This dashboard has been added as a blueprint template in Hyperdrive, and can be imported into your environment. Please work with your Success Manager to get this exposed as a standard dashboard which can then be edited according to customised needs.