Upload Closed caption Files with Video Assets
In the Asset Manager, you can add closed captions to Facebook and YouTube videos. Multiple file types can be uploaded for each language, allowing you to select the closed caption file type suited for best channel performance when the asset is published. Adding closed captions to your videos makes your content accessible to a wider audience, including those who speak a language other than is used in your video, and the hearing impaired. In this article, we will review how to upload closed caption files with video assets.
Steps to upload Closed caption files with Video Assets
Click the New Tab icon
and select Assets under Sprinklr Social.
While adding or editing a Video Asset, hover over the Asset and select Add Captions to upload caption files for publishing to YouTube or Facebook.
To add captions, first click Add New Language, select a caption language, then upload your file.
You can add more than one file type per language by selecting Add alongside the language.