Advanced Approvals for Automated Ads



Automated Ads Advanced Approvals are designed for Automated Campaigns. Automated Campaigns manage numerous campaign. Sometimes up to thousands of ads under a single automated campaign. This feature provides a quick method for reviewing and approving entities while publishing and editing them using an automated campaign.

Automated Ads Advanced Approval is a dual-layer approval system for automated campaigns and ad creatives. It offers customizable configurations, allowing users to choose between ad-level, shell-level, or a combination of both approvals. The process is independent for each layer: first, the shell (campaign structure) is approved, followed by the creatives.


Permissions Required

View Shell

  1. Automated Campaigns: View

  2. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads View Shell Approval

  3. Creative Library: View

  4. Ad Composer: View

Approve Shell

  1. Automated Campaigns: View

  2. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads View Shell Approval

  3. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads Shell Approval

  4. Creative Library: View

  5. Ad Composer: View

View Creative Approval

  1. Automated Campaigns: View

  2. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads View Creative Approval

  3. Creative Library: View

  4. Ad Composer: View

Approve Creatives

  1. Automated Campaigns: View

  2. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads View Creative Approval

  3. Automated Campaigns: Automated Ads Creative Approval

  4. Creative Library: View

  5. Ad Composer: View

Send a Campaign for Approval

  1. Automated Campaigns: View

  2. Automated Campaigns: Create

  3. Creative Library: View

  4. Ad Composer: View

We will now take a deeper look at how to configure approvals for the shell and the creatives. Begginig from where are the settings for configuring approvals located.

Approval Settings

Approval settings for Automated Ads are located on the Feed Details Screen of an Automated Campaign. Shell Approval or Creative Approval can be turned on by using the respective toggle switches.

Note: Approval Settings for an Automated Campaign can not be changed after publishing.

We will now take a look at the Settings and how they Impact the Approval Flow

Shell Approval

When only the Shell Approval Setting is enabled. Then the Shell Approval Flow is activated and after approval of the shell the PI, Ad Sets and Ad Variants are published.


  • A change for the shell is defined by a change made to the Automated Campaign Form (Shell). Changes made to the feed are not included.

  • Approval settings override status changes dictated by the Feed Ad Status Column.

Creative Approval

When only Creative Approval is configured. The Ad Sets and PI publish directly without passing through any form of approval. After this the creative approval flow is trigerred post completion of which the Ad Variants contatining the Creatives are published.


  • A change for a new ad is defined by any ad creative that is

Both Shell and Creative Approval Enabled:

  1. Initial Action: The Shell Approval Flow is triggered.

  2. Intermediate Step: Upon Shell approval, Paid Initiatives (PI) and Ad Sets are published.

  3. Following Step: Subsequently, the Creative Approval Flow is triggered.

  4. Final Outcome: Upon Creative approval, Creatives are published.