Advanced Use Cases of AI Creative Insights


Use case 1: Check which aspect ratio is performing better in a particular placement

In the creative elements tab, in the performance by aspect ratio widget, edit the widget to add a placement dimension which will give a breakdown of placement vs aspect ratio

This gives an idea of which aspect ratio is actually working for your brand in a particular placement. Use this information to scale your creative production in an aspect ratio that is better. 

Use case 2: Check which video length is performing better

In the creative elements tab, in the performance by video length widget, edit the widget to add video completion metrics such as video plays to 25%, video plays to 50%, video plays to 75%, video plays to 100%, and video completion rate. 

This gives an understanding of when users are dropping off and which video length is ideal. For example, if your video length is 30 sec and you see people dropping off after 50% completion then it could be a better idea to generate a short video of 10sec or 15sec length 

Use case 3: Check which background color resonates more

Color plays an important psychological role and getting insight into which prominent color resonates more with your audience could help unlock better CTRs. 

For example, if you see white has a better clicks-to-CTR ratio and only a handful of your creatives have white backgrounds, then it would be good to A/B test white as a background color with more ads. 

Use case 4: Check if the channel best practice is for your brand 

The aim of AI creative insight is to empower you with all data so that you can take an informed decision that works for your brand 

For example, channel best practice says having people in the asset improves CTR as it improves emotional appeal, but you can check if it’s true for your brand. If you see that CTR is not impacted even if you don’t have a human, you can then save production costs by just having product shots.

Use case 5: Check if the channel best practice is aligned

The quickest and easiest way to improve CTR is by aligning with the channel’s best practices. Check where the majority of your spend is getting attributed to, for example, if the majority of ads are attributed to ads that do not meet the channel’s best practice then you can share this data with the creative team to ensure all best practices are met especially the ones that can have an impact on your ads performance.