Evaluate Performance Based on Time Intervals


This article will cover one of the most common use cases for using ads manager pivot. By grouping on various time intervals such as weekly or hourly or monthly, you can quickly evaluate how your campaigns have been performing on a weekly/hourly/monthly basis.

Evaluate Performance Based on Time

  • Navigate to the Ads Pivot dashboard.

  • Click on the pencil icon on the right to open the Pivot Creation pane and add dimensions and metrics.

  • In the dimension tab, date breakdown has all the breakdowns available, add weekly aggregation to compare the performance on a weekly basis.

  • Check how your campaigns evolve on a weekly basis.

  • Deep dive into ads that had a sudden change in conversion rate in a particular week or day.

  • Add quarterly aggregation to compare the performance on a quarterly basis. 

  • Develop marketing strategy for Q1’2023 by analyzing which audience, and creative type worked well in the past

  • Analyse how Q4’2022 fared for your business against other quarters.

    • Which Month was the best

    • Which Channel was better