How to Associate Google Analytics Web Analytics Profiles with Domains


Once the Google Analytics profile has been created, you need to assign it to a Domain or Account. This will help you to ensure the Domain is selected by default or you can use the Web URLs based on your need.

To Configure Web Analytics for Domains

You can set the domain as a wild card (*) and append the Analytics Profile to all links that are published. You can also use the wildcard to ignore text that precedes the wild card.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console tab, click All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, select Web Analytics from the list of options.

  3. In the top right corner of the Web Analytics window, click Edit Domain Analytics for client.

  4. On the Web Analytics Configuration window, enter information to edit/create domain analytics.
    Editing Domain Analytics Profile for Clients

Example Scenario:

If the domain is *, Web Analytics will be applied to all domains in the workspace environment i.e. regardless of the web URL, the web analytics profile will always be applied.

If the domain is *sprinklr*, Web Analytics will only be applied to domains that contain sprinklr in the workspace.

To Configure Web Analytics at the Ad Accounts Level

This section describes how to select Web Analytics for Accounts.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console tab, click Accounts within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Accounts window, hover over the Options icon alongside the desired account and select Web Analytics.

  3. On the Configure Web Analytics pop-up window, enter the Domain details and select the Analytics Profile. Click Save in the bottom right corner.
    Configuring Web Analytics at Account Level

Example Scenario:

  • At Page Level - Web Analytics will be applied at the Page level when you use Page in a Creative regardless of Ad Account.

  • At Ad Account Level - Web Analytics will be applied at the Ad Account level when you use Ad Account in a Campaign regardless of Page.

  • If the domain is *sprinklr*, Web Analytics will only be applied to all domains/web URLs containing sprinklr when using the Ad Account or Page.

  • If the domain is *, Web Analytics will be applied to all domains/web URLs when using the Ad Account or Page.

After you have assigned the profile, publish an ad through the platform and check the ad to make sure that all of the parameters and variables are properly appended. The UTM code should be appended to the Web URL as long as the ad was made with a Web URL.