How to Configure Approval Workflows for Ad Campaigns & Creatives


Approval Paths can use a combination of Approval Queues, Tiered Approvals, and Rules to provide governance over your Ads. Below, we'll explore how you can define and automate approval paths for Ads to ensure that it adheres to your team's workflow and approval requirements.​ In this article, we will outline how to effectively implement and automate approval paths for Ads.

You can create Approval Queues if you’d like more than one user to be able to approve an ad and/or if you’d like to use the Engagement Dashboards for approvals.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console tab, select Global Queues within Platform Setup.

  2. Click Add Queue in the top right corner of the Global Queues window.

  3. On the New Queue window, provide a name and an optional description for your queue. Select Approval as the Queue Type.
    Filling Required Details for Approval Queue within Global Queue

  4. Under the Visibility section, either check the box alongside the Visible in all workspaces to make your approval queue visible to all workspaces or select the desired workspaces/workspace groups.
    Filling Visibility Details for Approval Queue within Global Queue

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your approval queue. Once saved you will be redirected to the Global Queue window.

  6. On the Global Queue window, hover over the Options icon alongside the approval queue you have just created and select Permission.
    Selecting Permissions Options Icon for Approval Queue

  7. On the Permissions pop-up window, choose which Users or User Groups are Provisioned to approve ads to the approval queue. Also, you may determine View permissions that allow users or user groups to see the ads awaiting approval.
    Allowing Permissions to the User or User Groups for Approval Queue

  8. Click Update in the bottom right corner to save your preferences.

Tiered Approvals allow you to define the steps in an approval workflow. Tiered Approvals can consist of approvals by a single user and/or users provisioned to an Approval Queue.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Governance Console tab, select All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, select Tiered Approvals from the options within the Manage Workspace section.

  3. Click Create Tiered Approval in the top right corner of the Tiered Approvals window.

  4. On the Create Tiered Approval window, provide a name, and description, and ensure that the checkbox alongside Is Enabled is checked. Then, select the Paid option in the Approval For dropdown to indicate this Tiered Approval will be applied to your ads.
    Providing Basic Information While Creating Tiered Approvals within All Settings

  5. The Set Entry Criteria section allows you to set an ad following the Tiered Approval path if it meets certain requirements by User, Campaign, or by Account. More advanced requirements can be set up via rules. If you leave the Entry Criteria box empty, this will generate an optional Tiered Approval path which users can choose to select when publishing their ads.
    Setting the Entry Criteria for Tiered Approval

  6. Define the path for your Tiered Approval within the Approval Steps section by selecting the appropriate combination and order of Approval Type and Approver.
    Approval Setup for Tiered Approvals

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your Tiered Approval.

Paid Rules can be created to automate or require ads to run through a Tiered Approval path. In order to create a Paid Rule, you must have client-level access to Sprinklr.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, select Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. On the Manage Rules window, click Create New Rule in the top right corner.

  3. On the New Rule window, give your Approval Rule a name and an optional description. Ensure that the Rule Scope and Context are set to Customer and Paid respectively.

  4. Provide other details as desired and click Next in the bottom right corner.
    Creating an Approval Rule Within Manage Rule

  5. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Condition to define a scenario to trigger a rule action.

  6. On the Rule Builder window, provide your condition a name and add an optional description on the Edit Condition pane in the right.

  7. Define the criteria for the condition by using one or more of the Condition options. Once all conditions have been defined as desired, click Save in the bottom right corner of the window.
    For our example, we will set the Properties of the Paid Initiatives as Daily Budget is greater than $100.
    Defining a Condition while Creating a Rule within the Rule Engine

  8. To add an action to be triggered when your condition meets, click the Addition icon and select Action on the Yes arm of the condition.
    Setting an Action if the Condition Meets in Rule Engine

  9. On the Edit Action pane in the right, provide your action a name and optional description.

  10. Under Control the Approval properties of the entities and/or send emails, set Approval Path for Paid Initiative to the appropriate Tiered Approval and click Save in the bottom right corner of the window.
    Setting the Approval Path for Paid Initiative to the appropriate Tiered Approval Under Manage Rules

  11. To ensure that this rule is enabled, click the Options icon in the top right corner of the Rule Builder window and select Enable Rule.
    Now, all Paid Initiatives that are published via Sprinklr with a Daily Budget greater than $100 will be automatically routed through the Ad Approval path without the user being required to make any additional selections.
    Enabling the Rule Within the Rule Engine