How to Manage Custom Export Templates in Ads Manager


Sprinklr allows you to edit, delete, and share your existing custom templates for the export of your Ads data. This allows you to efficiently use an already existing export template across all workspaces and manage them without having to create the same in other workspaces.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you already have existing custom Export Templates created.

To Manage Custom Export Templates

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. Click the Options icon Hyperspace_Horizontal_Options.png in the top right corner of the Ads Manager window and select Export.

  3. On the Export Settings window, under Select Columns in Export Data Form, select Custom Configuration.

  4. From the Select from Saved Templates drop-down menu, select from the three options available to the far right of an existing template. For more information, see Manage Templates — Actions.
    Manage Custom Export Templates

Manage Templates — Actions




Click to edit the column configuration of your export template.

Space_Icon_Share also.png


Click to share the template across Workspaces and/or User/User Groups.

On the Share Custom Template pop-up window, select the Workspaces and/or User/User Groups. You can also check the box alongside Visible in all Workspaces to make the template globally visible. 

Click Share once done.



Click to permanently delete the custom template.