How to Track Approvals & Rejections in Ads Reporting


Build dashboards to track approvals and rejections based on different performance indices.

​Advertising approval frameworks are important to avert any exposure to risk for brands across communication cycles. Hence, tracking the volume of approvals and rejections becomes a KPI metric of governance and agency performance.

In Sprinklr, internal teams and brands can leverage the Value Realization Dashboard (PBUC 16b, c, d, and e) and Ads Reporting respectively to have a line of sight into approval workflows coupled with better transparency around governance KPIs such as approval and rejection rates, approval SLAs, and teams involved in approvals. This will help measure and realize the value of strong approval frameworks.

For example, brands can create reports of approval volume by user/region as well as track both approvals and rejections for campaigns submitted by their agency.

Enablement Note

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Track Approval & Rejections in Ads Reporting

You can assess the overall approvals and rejections of ad entities and creatives from a standard Ads Approval and Rejections Dashboard. To navigate to the standard dashboard,

  1. Navigate to Ads Reporting.

  2. From the Dashboard Switcher in the top-left corner, select Ads Approval and Rejections Dashboard under Standard Dashboards.

  3. In the sub-group, select Ads Approval and Rejections Dashboard.

The dashboard is segregated into the following sections to efficiently monitor approvals and rejections and provide faster time to insights:

  • Summary

  • User Data

  • Campaign Data

  • Ad Set Data

  • Ad Variant Data

  • Ad Creatives Data

Using the following metrics and dimensions in Ads Reporting, brands can build dashboards to track approvals and rejections based on different performance indices.


If an ad entity is sent for approval through a tiered approval path, then:

  • Approvals through multiple tiers will be counted as 1 under Volume of Approvals

  • Approval status at the latest stage of the approval path is considered as final. For example, if a campaign was approved at stage 1 and rejected at stage 2, then the campaign is considered to be rejected.

  • Approval will be attributed to the user who was last involved in approving/rejecting the campaign in the approval path.

Compatible Dimensions
Volume of Approvals
Volume of Approvals for entities out of the entity sent for approval
  • ​Paid Initiative and related Dimensions

  • ​Ad Set and related Dimensions

  • ​Ad Variant and related Dimensions

  • ​Ad Post and related Dimensions​

  • ​Approval Entity

  • Approver User

  • Approval Submitter User

  • Approval Submission Date​

  • Approval / Rejection Date

Refer to ​Dimensions Breakdown​.

Volume of Rejections
Volume of Rejections for entities out of the entities sent for approval
Volume of Entities Submitted for Approval
Volume of entities sent for approval.
  • ​Paid Initiative and related Dimensions​

  • ​Ad Set and related Dimensions​

  • ​Ad Variant and related Dimensions​

  • ​Ad Post and related Dimensions

  • Approval Entity​

  • Approval Submitter User​

  • Approval Submission Date

Refer to ​Dimensions Breakdown​.

Volume of Ad Posts

Volume of Ad Posts published with breakdown of Ad Post

Volume of Ad Variants

Volume of Ad Variants published with breakdown of Ad Variant

Volume of Ad Sets

Volume of Ad Variants published with breakdown of Ad Variant

Volume of Paid Inititatives

Volume of Ad Variants published with breakdown of Ad Variant

Approval Rate
Volume of Approvals for entities out of the entities sent for approval / Volume of entities sent for approval
Example Scenario:

Time Frame

Campaigns Sent for Approval

Approved Campaigns

Last Month

A, B, C


This Month

D, E, F

B, C, D

The approval rate is calculated as:
  • ​This Month : D / D, E, F = 33%​

  • ​Last Month : A, B, C / A, B, C = 100%​

Rejection Rate
Volume of Rejections for entities out of the entities sent for approval / Volume of entities sent for approval
Average Time Taken for Approval for (Days)
Total Time taken to Approve Campaigns after being sent for approval / Volume of Campaigns approved
Based on the above Example Scenario, the average approval time per campaign is calculated as:
  • ​This Month: The time taken to approve B, C, D / 3​

  • ​Last Month: The time taken to approve A / 1

Track Approvals in Ads Reporting



Paid Initiative and related Dimensions


Ad Objective

Ad Account

Published Date

Paid Initiative

Paid Initiative Channel Id

Paid Initiative Id

Paid Initiative Status

Paid Initiative Sprinklr Campaign

Paid Initiative Sprinklr Campaign Id

Paid Initiative Custom fields

Paid Initiative Source Creation Type

Paid Initiative Start Date

Paid Initiative End Date

Paid Initiative Publish Date

Ad Set and related Dimensions

​Ad Set

Ad Set Channel Id

Ad Set Id

Ad Set Custom fields

Ad Set Status

​Ad Set Source Creation Type​

​Ad Set Start Date

​Ad Set End Date

​Ad Set Publish Date

Ad Variant and related Dimensions

​Ad Variant

Ad Variant Name

Ad Variant Channel Id

Ad Variant Id

Ad Variant Custom fields

​Ad Variant Status​

​Ad Variant Source Creation Type

​Ad Variant Created Date

​Ad Variant Publish Date

Ad Post and related Dimensions

​Ad Post

Ad Post (Approval)

Ad Post Campaign Id

Ad Post Id

Ad Post Permalink

Outbound Post

Post Channel Id

Approval Entity Dimensions

​Approval Entity

Approver User

Approval Submitter User

Approval Submission Date​

Approval Date​

​Rejection Date

Dimensions that are compatible with Ad Post (Approval):

  • Approval Submission Date

  • Approval Date

  • Rejection Date

  • Volume of approvals

  • Volume of Rejections

  • Volume of Entity Sent for Approval

  • Entity Sent for Approval

  • Average Approval Time

  • Approval Entity

  • Approval Submitter User

  • Approver User

  • Rejection Rate

  • Approval Rat

Track Approvals in Value Realization Dashboard (VRD)

Brands can leverage the Value Realization Dashboard (PBUC 16) to quantify the value of Sprinklr approvals with new adoption measures and value indices.

PBUC 16 of VRD




Additional Details


Campaigns sent for Approval in Sprinklr

Campaigns Involved in Approval Queues ÷ Created Campaigns

Campaigns Approval Rate

Volume of Campaign Approvals ÷ Campaigns involved in Approval Queues

Campaigns involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.


Time Frame

Sent for Approval


Last Month

A, B, C


This Month

D, E, F

B, C, D

Approval Rate is calculated as:

  • This Month : D ÷ D, E, F = 33%

  • Last Month : A, B, C ÷ A, B, C = 100%

Campaigns Rejection Rate

Volume of Campaign Rejections ÷ Campaigns involved in Approval Queues

Campaigns involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.

Average Approval Time per Campaign (Days)

Total Time taken to Approve Campaigns ÷ Volume of Campaign Approvals

Campaigns that were approved during the selected time range are considered.

Total time taken to approve Campaigns is calculated as the time difference between when it was sent for approval until it was approved.

Note that the Campaign could have been rejected one or more times before being approved, and this time is also taken into consideration.

Users involved in Approving/Rejecting Campaigns

Users involved in Submitting Campaigns for Approval

Value Realization

Revenue Opportunity

Campaigns Approved x Minutes taken to Approve Campaign without Sprinklr - Average Approval time per Campaign ÷ Minutes Per Work Day = Work Days Saved x Average Annual User Salary

Opportunity Cost

Volume of Campaigns Rejected x Average Lifetime Budget allocated across these Campaigns x (Number of Days taken to detect unauthorized campaigns published ÷ Average Duration of Campaign flight)

Campaigns that were rejected during the selected time range, but later went live during the selected time range or in the future are considered.

While calculating the Average duration of Campaign Flight; for the campaigns that have not been set with an end date, the end date will be considered as the date when the campaign ended or the present day, depending on whether the campaign is completed or still live.




Additional Details


Ad Sets sent for Approval in Sprinklr

Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues ÷ Created Ad Sets

Ad Sets Approval Rate

Volume of Ad Set Approvals ÷ Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues

Ad Sets involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.


Time Frame

Sent for Approval


Last Month

A, B, C


This Month

D, E, F

B, C, D

Approval Rate is calculated as:

  • This Month : D ÷ D, E, F = 33%

  • Last Month : A, B, C ÷ A, B, C = 100%

Ad Sets Rejection Rate

Volume of Ad Set Rejections ÷ Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues

Ad Sets involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.

Average Approval Time per Ad Set (Days)

Total Time taken to Approve Ad Sets ÷ Volume of Ad Set Approvals

Ad Sets that were approved during the selected time range are considered.

Total time taken to approve Ad Sets is calculated as the time difference between when it was sent for approval until it was approved.

Note that the Ad Set could have been rejected one or more times before being approved, and this time is also taken into consideration.

Users involved in Approving/Rejecting Ad Sets

Users involved in Submitting Ad Sets for Approval

Value Realization

Revenue Opportunity

Ad Sets Approved x Minutes taken to Approve Ad Set without Sprinklr - Average Approval time per Ad Set ÷ Minutes per Work Day = Work Days Saved x Average Annual User Salary




Additional Details


Ads sent for Approval in Sprinklr

Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues ÷ Created Ad Sets

Ads Approval Rate

Volume of Ad Set Approvals ÷ Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues

Ads involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.


Time Frame

Sent for Approval


Last Month

A, B, C


This Month

D, E, F

B, C, D

Approval Rate is calculated as:

  • This Month : D ÷ D, E, F = 33%

  • Last Month : A, B, C ÷ A, B, C = 100%

Ads Rejection Rate

Volume of Ad Set Rejections ÷ Ad Sets involved in Approval Queues

Ads involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.

Average Approval Time per Ad (Days)

Total Time taken to Approve Ad Sets ÷ Volume of Ad Set Approvals

Ads that were approved during the selected time range are considered.

Total time taken to approve Ads is calculated as the time difference between when it was sent for approval until it was approved.

Note that the Ad could have been rejected one or more times before being approved, and this time is also taken into consideration.

Users involved in Approving/Rejecting Ads

Users involved in Submitting Ads for Approval

Value Realization

Revenue Opportunity

Ads Approved x Minutes taken to Approve Ad without Sprinklr - Average Approval time per Ad ÷ Minutes per Work Day = Work Days Saved x Average Annual User Salary




Additional Details


Ad Posts sent for Approval in Sprinklr

Ad Posts involved in Approval Queues ÷ Created Ad Posts

Ad Post Approval Rate

Volume of Ad Post Approvals ÷ Ad Post involved in Approval Queues

Ad Posts involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.


Time Frame

Sent for Approval


Last Month

A, B, C


This Month

D, E, F

B, C, D

Approval Rate is calculated as:

  • This Month : D ÷ D, E, F = 33%

  • Last Month : A, B, C ÷ A, B, C = 100%

Ad Post Rejection Rate

Volume of Ad Post Rejections ÷ Ad Post involved in Approval Queues

Ad Posts involved in Approval queues during the selected time range are considered.

Average Approval Time per Ad Post (Days)

Total Time taken to Approve Ad Post ÷ Volume of Ad Post Approvals

Ad Posts that were approved during the selected time range are considered.

Total time taken to approve Ad Posts is calculated as the time difference between when it was sent for approval until it was approved.

Note that the Ad Post could have been rejected one or more times before being approved, and this time is also taken into consideration.

Users involved in Approving/Rejecting Ad Posts

Users involved in Submitting Ad Posts for Approval

Value Realization

Revenue Opportunity

Ad Posts Approved x Minutes taken to Approve Ad Post without Sprinklr - Average Approval time per Ad Post ÷ Minutes per Work Day = Work Days Saved x Average Annual User Salary