Facebook Ad Account Access Settings


In Sprinklr Add Accounts, you can make changes to improve the functionality in the Add Account screen to give options for user to choose which permissions they want to be inherited in Sprinklr. This strengthens the governance use case by giving more control to user onto which permissions are getting inherited in Sprinklr when they are adding an ad account in Sprinklr. 

  • While adding a Facebook Ads account it shows two options when users click on Facebook Ads, in a new modal two options open:

  1. Reporting Only 

  2. Ads Publishing and Ads Reporting 

  • If the users click on Reporting Only, the ad account addition flow does not have the following when users click on choose access settings in the Facebook flow: 

  • Manage Business and  

  • Manage Ads toggle 

  • If the users click on Ads Publishing, the ad account addition flow does have Manage Business toggle, Manage Ads toggle among other things.