Unified Analytics Changelog


In this article, you can access the log or record of all notable changes made within Unified Analytics.

New Consolidated Spent and Impressions Metrics

Previously, if you wanted to report on Post-level spend or impressions across multiple channels in the same widget, then the overall Spent and Impressions would not work for Twitter, and therefore separate metrics had to be used for Twitter and other channels. We have introduced two new metrics; Cumulative Post Spent and Cumulative Impressions, within Paid to view the consolidated spend or impressions across all channels at the post or overall levels.

Consolidated Spent and Impression Metrics

Updated Metrics and Dimensions Nomenclature

Previously, some of the Unified Analytics metrics were named differently from their source metrics and the names misrepresented the data types. For example, metrics such as Twitter Organic Post Retweets, which account for both Paid and Organic Data have only Organic in their name. We have improvised the naming convention to align with the source metric names and their data types - namely, Pure Organic, Paid, or Total.

Unified Analytics Widget

Latest Sync Time for Unified Analytics Data

We have added a visual indicator within Unified Analytics widgets to display the last time the data was synced and updated. You can hover over the indicator to view the latest sync date and time. Since Unified Analytics data only syncs every 6 hours, this indicator will help you keep track of the latest data.

Latest Sync Time for Unified Analytics

Reporting Enhancements

  • Previously, pure organic data were only available for Tweets (Sponsored and Organic) in Paid Analytics widgets. We have added these pure organic metrics within Unified Analytics to report on organic data for Twitter posts.

  • You can view Paid Initiative and Ad Set custom fields in Unified Analytics widgets.

  • You can view Facebook Post Consumptions within Unified Analytics to analyze and compare Organic Posts vs. Paid Posts consumption data.

Enhanced Dashboard Level Filtering

  • You can use Social Analytics filters at the dashboard level, in addition to Sprinklr Campaign, such as Page Handle, Outbound Posts, Outbound custom fields, Account Groups, to filter both Paid and Organic posts.


    Paid Filters such as Ad Account, Paid Initiative, Ad Set, and Ad Variant custom fields will only work for Paid posts.

  • You can use the Post Type (Boosted, Dark, and Organic posts) filter to directly filter your Unified Analytics dashboard or widgets instead of manually having to combine the Is Sponsored and Is Dark filters. The filters will internally handle the flags for Is Sponsored and Is Dark.

Unified Analytics Enhancements

  • Unified Custom Field Filters - If a custom field is associated with multiple entities (Paid Initiative, Ad Set, Ad Variant, and Outbound Post), you can select a custom field filter at the dashboard level in Ads Reporting to automatically filter entities that have the custom field tagged at any of these levels. You no longer need to remember the level at which you have tagged the entities in order to filter them out.

  • You can filter posts by using both Ad Account and Page at the dashboard level.

AI Based Smart Content Intelligence

We have enabled AI-based Smart Content Intelligence in Unified Analytics to identify what content type is used in brand posts through a Sprinklr AI-powered Classification Machine Learning model. Sprinklr’s AI model classifies all brand posts under the most appropriate themes and tones based on a set of predefined categories.

These predefined categories have been finalized using clustering analysis of a large dataset of brand outbound posts across different industries. These categories are then validated with feedback from industry experts and through secondary research.

AI Based Content Intelligence

Support for Custom Conversion Metrics

We have added support to use Custom Conversion Metrics in Unified Analytics.

To learn more about getting Custom Conversion metrics enabled for Unified Analytics, please work with your Success Manager.

We have added support for listening-based Inbound Analytics in Unified Analytics.

To learn more about getting Inbound Analytics enabled for Unified Analytics, please work with your Success Manager.

Support for Pivot Table Visualization

You can now add a Pivot Table widget visualization for Unified Analytics. This will allow you to create advanced pivot reports in a Reporting Dashboard by introducing a pivot widget so that you don't have to export and analyze reports using excel. You can plot multiple dimensions and metrics at different levels. You can further customize your report using various filters at the widget or dashboard level.

Pivot Table widget

Sanity Updates

  • To keep the behavior aligned with Social Analytics and Paid widgets, deleted posts will not be shown in Unified Analytics.

  • In order to explicitly include deleted posts in your widgets, you can set the Is Deleted filter to True.