How to Add Multiple Ad Account Users with Multiple Authorization Tokens


Currently, users lack visibility regarding the deactivation of their accounts (such as Ad Accounts and Social Pages) and face difficulties with continuous disconnections in Sprinklr's system. The lack of awareness about when the account deactivates results in users failing to reactivate their accounts promptly. 

Why Account Deactivation Happens?

Facebook deactivates access tokens every 60 days for security reasons, similarly other channels also have their timelines when they invalidate the authorisation token for respective Ad Account. To prevent this, a particular Ad account can be added by multiple users so that there are multiple access tokens stored. If a particular access token gets deactivated, then it will automatically shift to the next active token and the account will not get deactivated on Sprinklr which will enable users to publish campaigns without a hitch through the platform. Account deactivation can occur due to several other reasons, including password changes on native and violations of community guidelines; in this case as well, the next access token will be used. 

Timelines for deactivation of different channels

  • Facebook: Every 60 days 

  • Snapchat: No deactivation 

  • X: No deactivation 

  • LinkedIn: 365 days (have to use the account once in every 60 days) 

  • Pinterest: Every 30 days (Refresh token has life of 365 days) 

  • Tiktok: Long term access tokens used, don’t need refreshing; cannot be used after becoming invalid which happens when user cancels authorization 

Channel wise specific reasons 


  • Your account must list your authentic name. 

  • Personal accounts must represent individual people only. It goes against our policies to use a personal profile to represent anything other than yourself (e.g. celebrities, pets, ideas, objects etc.). 

  • Impersonating anyone or anything is not allowed. 

  • Maintaining multiple accounts goes against our policies. 

  • Accounts created for the purpose of spamming or harassing others are strictly prohibited. 


  • Snapchat deletes accounts only if they violate their rules and community guidelines includ spreading hate and misinformation, using fake accounts, or misusing Snapchat for illegal purposes. 


  • Spam: Most of the accounts we suspend are suspended because they are spammy, or just plain fake, and they introduce security risks for X and for everyone using X. Sometimes a real person’s account gets suspended by mistake, and in those cases we’ll work with the person to make sure the account is unsuspended. 

  • Account security at risk: If we suspect an account has been hacked or compromised, we may suspend it until it can be secured and restored to the account owner in order to reduce potentially malicious activity caused by the compromise. 

  • Abusive Tweets or behavior: We may suspend an account if it has been reported to us as violating X Rules surrounding abuse. When an account engages in abusive behavior, like sending threats to others or impersonating other accounts, we may suspend it temporarily or, in some cases, permanently. 


Access to your account may be restricted if you violate our Professional Community Policies. Reasons for account restrictions may include:  

  • Content violations 

  • Profile violations 

  • Identity violations 

  • Automated tools violations 


  • Pinner Safety  

  • Account security (including impersonation and third-party logins)  

  • Spam 

  • Intellectual property theft 

What is the Multi-Token Feature?

This feature allows multiple users to add the same ad account within the Sprinklr platform. The active user of an ad account administrator can be switched to another user as authorized. This helps you to keep the channel ad account active in Sprinklr.  

Any account may get inactive in Sprinklr platform and request for reauthorization if the page administrator has changed the password natively. Once the password is changed, channel invalidates the API session with third party applications such as Sprinklr, and the account is deactivated due to authorization failure. 

Consider a situation that a brand has more than one administrator managing the brand's Ad Accounts. For security reason, if one of the administrators updates the password of the account natively, then the account becomes inactive in Sprinklr, and any further social media actions cannot be performed from the Sprinklr platform.  

However, if the Ad Account has another user added as an administrator using multiple authorization token, then the account will still stay active and the user with the valid token can continue publishing and engaging in the page from within Sprinklr.  

How to Add Multiple Tokens to the Same Account

  1.  From the Launchpad, go to Advertising module within Sprinklr Marketing.

  2. Go to Social Accounts screen and click on Add Account.

  3. Choose the channel for which you have to add the Ad account.

  4. You will be redirected to native, wherein you will have to fill the account credentials and verify the details.

  5. The account will be added in Sprinklr. The same account can now be added by multiple people, which was not supported before.

  6. You can view the multiple users by clicking on Authenticate Tokens and all the users' tokens with their expiry dates will be visible.

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Note: For accounts which were added before the enhancement was released, the expiry date will not be available as this data was not stored in Sprinklr before.

Proactive Notifications

User can be notified in advance about potential account deactivation due to token expiry via Macro. User can set up the number of days in advance they want to be notified.​ This notification will include information about the deactivation reason and steps to reactivate the account. 

How to Setup the Macro?

Follow the steps below to configure a macro to recieve preemptive notifications for account deactivations.

  1. From the Sprinklr Launchpad, go to Tools and Settings and select Macros.

  2. Click on Create Macro in top right corner.

  3. Enter the basic information such as Macro Name and description.

  4. Apply the macro on Account.

  5. Set the action as Set Pre-Deactivation Notification.

  6. Add the emails IDs which have to be notified, and the number of days that the user has to be notified in advance,

  7. Save the macro and apply it on all the account for which the notification is required to go out.

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User will receive an email notification on the email IDs added. The macro is to be applied on all the accounts for which the notification should go out.​

Sample Email Notification

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Sample Email Notification