What is Employee Advocacy?


In today's dynamic business landscape, establishing your brand as a thought leader is paramount. This is where Sprinklr Advocacy comes into play - a comprehensive program that brings multiple benefits: 

  • Establish Brand Authority: Advocacy is instrumental in establishing your brand as a thought leader in the industry. It helps your brand gain recognition and credibility by sharing insightful content and perspectives. 

  • Enhance Social Selling and Reduce Marketing Costs: This strategy not only boosts your brand's image but also drives social selling, leading to reduced marketing costs. It's a win-win situation where authentic advocacy by employees naturally attracts potential customers. 

  • Tap into Employee Networks for Talent: Beyond these benefits, Advocacy enables you to leverage your employee network to discover exceptional talent. By showcasing your brand's expertise, you attract better talent, ultimately improving the capabilities of your workforce. 

Business Outcomes 

Establish the brand as a thought leader. 

Elevate Your Brand with Advocacy, Key Aspects of Advocacy Strategy are: 

  • Multi-Channel Sharing: Seamlessly connect various social media platforms (such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) and easily share pre-curated branded content across the social channels. 

  • Enhanced Brand Engagement: Amplify brand reach and engagement on your official social media handles by reposting, retweeting, or natively liking content. 

  • Listening for Brand Amplification: Utilize Sprinklr Listening to identify positive brand mentions and third-party content. Empower advocates to engage natively, boosting the reach and impact of these mentions. 

  • Personalized Advocacy: Provide employees with the tools to curate and share their own insights through social channels, following proper governance protocols. This encourages them to emerge as both thought leaders and brand advocates, expanding your brand's influence. 

Drive Social Selling and Save Marketing Costs

Empower Your Advocacy Strategy for Social Selling and Cost Savings. To enhance your advocacy program's impact and cost-efficiency: 

  • Connect Brand Pages: Strengthen your marketing campaigns by linking social business pages, enabling subsidiary brands and influencers to extend campaign reach. 

  • Utilize Content Subscription: Leverage content library subscriptions to automatically share essential and time-sensitive content on users' social accounts, ensuring timely communication. 

  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Harness user-generated content and asset suggestions, supported by a robust governance framework. This approach reduces content creation costs while maintaining quality. 

  • Build a Library of Reusable Assets: Establish a repository of reusable assets that advocates can share externally. This content includes company thought leadership, news, and testimonials, leading to reduced asset creation expenses. 

Hire Better Talent from Employee Network 

Advocacy in the realm of recruitment isn't just about finding the right candidates, but also about shaping your company's image, culture, and values to attract them. Here are some key points to consider.

  • Highlighting Company Culture and Values: Crafting and sharing content that showcases your company's unique culture and values can significantly enhance how potential candidates perceive your organization. It creates an authentic appeal that goes beyond job descriptions. 

  • Tracking and Attributing Potential Candidates: Utilize tracking mechanisms to attribute click-through rates on job opening shares. This allows you to measure the success of your recruitment campaigns and even reward employees who bring in potential candidates. 

  • Cost-Efficient Talent Acquisition: By tapping into your employees' networks through advocacy efforts, you can potentially reduce recruitment costs. Measure the additional candidate leads generated through this approach and the resulting cost savings. 

  • Empowering Your Culture & Talent Team: Provide your Culture & Talent team with the tools and strategies to boost the efficiency of social recruitment campaigns. Leveraging your employees' professional networks to promote job openings not only expands your reach but also adds authenticity to your hiring efforts. 

Yet, Advocacy's reach extends further. By amplifying your brand perception through the voices of satisfied customers, you harness the power of authenticity. But how do you reach these advocates effectively? The answer lies in seamless integration with a wide range of workplace collaboration and intranet platforms, ensuring you meet your advocates where they are, thus enhancing overall program adoption. Imagine this power at your fingertips, even while on the move. With Sprinklr Advocacy, you can effortlessly execute every action available on the web version and more, right from our mobile app. 

In this era of strategic brand elevation, Sprinklr Advocacy is your compass. It navigates you through the ever-evolving currents of brand influence, social selling, talent attraction, and beyond.