Supervisor Approval on Disputes


Agent Managers can validate disputes raised by agents on evaluations. To enable this, you can set up the Dispute Approval Flow at the checklist level. Once configured, managers have the ability to approve or reject disputes. When rejecting a dispute, they can also provide comments for the agent's review.

To Enable Dispute Approval at the Checklist Level

While creating an audit checklist, enable both Agent Approval and Dispute Approval. This allows you to configure whether Agent Managers or the Supervisor team should have the authority to validate disputes raised by agents on audits. You can also set a due interval for dispute approval.

Enablement Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, contact your Success Manager.

To Approve Disputes in Case Analytics View

Once the Dispute Approval option is enabled, any disputes raised by agents is sent to supervisors or managers for approval. They can either reject or approve the disputes. If rejecting, they can add comments to explain their decision.