Setup Dispute Flow Reporting


In disputed flow, it is important to check how the scores are changed after the re-evaluation. A sample report of the same is shown below.

Dimension/Metric Name


For User

Agent on which evaluation is done


Case Number


User who audited the evaluation

Checklist Response Count

Total Response filled on the checklist

Evaluation Submitted At

The first submission date of the audit

Assigned for Re-Evaluation At

Date when dispute was raised on the audit

Re-Evaluated At

Date when dispute audit was re-evaluated

Evaluation Score(Disputed)

Evaluation Score on which the dispute is raised on the audit

Evaluation Score

Final Evaluation score on the audit

% Change in Evaluation Score - Custom Metric

% change in the Evaluation score after and before the evaluation

Disputed Items

Parameter on which an agent raises the dispute

Disputed Item List

All the parameters separated by comma on which an agent raises the disputes