Key use cases of Sprinklr-Allocadia Integration


Allocadia User

Sprinklr User

  • Create subcategory level n or an immediate nested subcategory level n+1 with name, start date, and end date fields filled in.

  • Send a subcategory to create a new campaign in Sprinklr automatically.

  • Send an immediate nested subcategory level to automatically create a new sub-campaign in Sprinklr under the parent campaign mapped to the parent subcategory in Allocadia.

  • Click “Sync with Sprinklr” to create a new campaign or sub-campaign in Sprinklr for the above flow.

  • Edit the subcategory in Sprinklr and click “Sync with Sprinklr” to update the corresponding campaign or sub-campaign in Sprinklr.

  • Navigate via the link of the corresponding campaign or sub-campaign when viewing the Subcategory in Allocadia.

  • Delete the Allocadia subcategory and nested sub-category which should archive the corresponding campaign and sub-campaign in Sprinklr.

  • View the Sprinklr campaign and sub-campaign, which has the name, campaign tracking number, start date, and end date copied over from Allocadia.

  • Navigate via the link of the corresponding subcategory when viewing the Campaign or Sub-Campaign in Sprinklr.