Integration Reporting Dashboards


Integration Reporting widgets give a brief overview of the usage of all the supported third-party software integrations in Sprinklr Advocacy. For example: Slack, MS Teams, MS SharePoint, Yammer. 


  • These dashboards allow admins to understand how well they are able to reach advocates outside the platform and how much increased adoption they are receiving by using these communication systems  

  • They can also help the admins modify and re-adjust their re-engagement strategy to ensure they are properly reaching the advocates where they are.

How to configure Integration reporting dashboards

  1. The integration reporting dashboards can be created using the Advocacy data source only. The Referred By dimension gives information about the platform from where a user visited the advocacy site. 

  2. We can also add the Community User dimension to get this data on the individual user level. With this admins can figure out which and how many users are getting referred to the advocacy site from these integrations.  
    Using the Activity dimension alongside tells the admin if the user clicked on View Post or Share button on the third-party platform.