Track User Participation


User Reporting dashboards on Advocacy Reporting give an overview of user participation, adoption, and their distribution.  

With these dashboards, the admin can get a full picture of how many users are actively using the platform and get detailed data of their properties like their Region, Department, Language of Preference, etc.  

They are necessary to give admins a detailed overview of the adoption of the platform and give them enough time to act upon it accordingly.  

Steps to Configure User Reporting Widgets 

Analyze the users by status: This data can help admins identify the overall member status of all the users and take action accordingly if there are pending users or if the active user numbers are low. 
Metrics/ Dimensions to be used: 

  1. Total Users 

    1. Filter: Status (for filtering the users on teh basis of their status) 

  2. Total Approved Users 

  3. Total Rejected Users 

  4. Total Pending Users 

Graphical user interface, application

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Analyze the most active users of the platform: We can analyze the most active users on the platform and also measure the trend of it. This data can help us identify the most active and influential people on the platform and interact with them specifically. 


Analyze user activity and engagement trend: Using this we can analyze the basic user adoption and information about the activity of the user. 

Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated  Chart, line chart

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Analyze usage of platform based on user distribution: User Activity and usage of the platform can be plotted in the widget based on user properties. 


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