Using Cost & Rate Ads Benchmarks in Ads Manager Columns


Cost and Rate Benchmarks let you visualize how well your advertising campaigns are performing compared to previous campaign data or standard industry-related data. You can then compare performance and optimize them easily.

To Analyze Benchmarks in Ads Manager Columns

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. Click the Column Configuration icon in the top right corner of the Ads Manager window.

  3. Click Manage Columns in the bottom right corner to view and edit the settings for column metrics or dimensions.
    Configure columns in Ads Manager

  4. On the Column Template window, search for the following metrics in the search bar and select the desired metrics you want to view insights against at each ad entity level:

    • Cost Benchmark Metric

    • Cost Benchmark Metric Value

    • Cost Benchmark Metrics Percentage Deviation (available by default)

    • Rate Benchmark Metric

    • Rate Benchmark Metric Value

    • Rate Benchmark Metrics Percentage Deviation (available by default)

    Percentage Deviation Calculation

    • Cost Benchmark Percentage Deviation - (Actual Value - Cost Benchmark Metric Value) / Cost Benchmark Metric Value x 100

    • Rate Benchmark Percentage Deviation - (Actual Value - Rate Benchmark Metric Value) / Rate Benchmark Metric Value x 100


    You will have automatic color indicators for performance in the Cost / Rate Benchmark Metrics Percentage Deviation columns.

    • For Cost metrics, if % Deviation is less than 100%, then it will be color-coded as Green and if % Deviation is greater than 100%, then it will be color-coded as Red.

    • For Rate metrics, % Deviation is less than 100%, then it will be color-coded as Red and if % Deviation is greater than 100%, then it will be color-coded as Green.

    Select Metrics and Dimensions to configure columns in Ads Manager

  5. Click Modify Columns in the bottom-right corner to save the column configuration.

  6. Compare the performances of campaigns in relation to their benchmarks from the dashboard itself so that you can make quick optimizations.
    Analyze Cost and Rate Benchmarks in Ads Manager columns