Product Insights New API


Product Insights has launched a new review retrieval API which has significantly enhanced the source coverage capabilities and simplified the process of product addition. Equipped with lifetime review data and additional meta-tags, brands can now perform an exhaustive and in-depth data analysis.

Product Insights New API

The top highlights of the new API include:

  • Feature Old API New API


    5 standard domains on product page

    Supports 300+ review domains

     on product page

    Supported Sources Reviews Reviews
    Reviews coverage Last 30 days Lifetime coverage
    Meta tags No support for reviews meta tags Supports more than 15+ review meta tags e.g. "is review syndicated", "is review verified", etc.

    URL format

    No way to identify if the URL format entered in the topic/theme is wrong.

    The Product Page gives a notification if the URL format entered for the domain is incorrect.

    Identifies if the URL entered is duplicate. (already exists in the platform)

    New URL Identification New products were searched/identified manually. The product URLs can be fetched with the help of keywords or search URL.
    Duplication handling No special handling for duplicate reviews. The new API offers two standard fields, i.e. Show Duplicate Reviews and Is Review Duplicated which helps in identifying and removing the duplicates from widgets/dashboard.
    Source Addition timeframe It takes around 5-7 working days for the new URLs to be added in Sprinklr coverage depending upon the number of URLs. Coverage through the new API is faster. The new URLs can be added in 3-5 working days depending upon the number of URLs.
    Usage Theme/Topics were used for the non-supported sources on the product page. URLs can be added to the Product Page directly.
    Registration Other than the 5 standard sources, source verification of URLs was required for the rest sources. The URLs are automatically registered for review retrieval by adding them to the Product Page.
    Backfill Manual topic backfill required. Auto-backfill once the URL is covered.
    Reviews Crawling Latency Review grabbing latency is higher than the new API. Review grabbing latency is relatively low.