Apple App Store Limitations and Capabilities


To utilize the Apple App Store channel to its maximum potential, you need to be aware of its capabilities and limitations.

Apple App Store Capabilities


Sprinklr Supported


View App Store Reviews


Successfully moderated and published reviews will be fetched every 6 hours.

View App Store Replies


Takes approximately one day, due to apple moderation.

Reporting on App Store


Outbound & Inbound Analytics, SLA

Fetch Apple App Version Code


Custom channel property

Fetch Apple App Review Country


Custom channel property

Apple App Store Limitations

  1. When the reviews or replies are posted on the Apple App Store, they are reviewed by Apple App Store for moderation which takes about 24 hours. After they are reviewed, the reviews and replies are made publicly live. Hence, it might take 24 hours for Sprinklr to pull in reviews, after Apple App Store approves the review or reply.

  2. You can post one reply to any Apple App Store review from Sprinklr. If the review already has a reply from the Apple App Store account, then you will not be able to publish a second reply from Sprinklr. You can only edit a reply made from the account.