How to Apply Cost & Rate Ads Benchmarks via Ads Manager


To Apply Benchmarking via Ads Manager

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click the View and Edit icon Hyperspace View And Edit alongside the desired Campaign.

  3. In the Edit window to the right, locate the Campaign Name and Details section from the middle pane and check the box alongside Enable Campaign Benchmarking.

  4. From the additional four fields, select the Cost Benchmark Metric and/or the Rate Benchmark Metric and their corresponding benchmark metric values. The Cost Metric Value will be accepted as per the Ad Account currency and the Rate Metric Value will be accepted as a percentage value.


The benchmark initially set at the Campaign level will automatically get applied across all underlying Ad Sets and Ads. Any further changes made to the benchmark value for the Campaign will reflect only across those Ad Sets and Ads that use the same benchmark metric

Strategy Group CPA Benchmarks

On applying a Strategy Group having Target CPA to an Ad Campaign, the Target CPA will automatically get applied as a Cost Benchmark to the Campaign and its underlying Ad Sets and Ads.

  • If a Cost Benchmark is manually applied to any ad entity level, then the Target CPA will not get applied as a benchmark.

  • On replacing a Strategy Group, the Target CPA of the new Strategy Group will be auto-applied as the cost benchmark (provided the cost benchmark is not manually overridden at any of the entity levels).

  • You can override the Strategy Group based cost benchmarks via Edit, Macros, and Rules.

Enable Cost and Rate Benchmarking in Ads Manager

5. You can also navigate to the Ad Sets and Ad Variants from the leftmost pane and follow Step 4 within the Ad Set Name and Details and Ad Name and Details section respectively to apply different benchmarking.

Enable Cost and Rate Benchmarking in Ads Manager at Ad Set level

6. From the bottom-right corner of the Ads Manager window, click Review Changes to review your changes.

7. On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes.