How to Apply Cost & Rate Ads Benchmarks via Bulk Import


To Apply Benchmarking via Bulk Import

You can apply your Cost and Rate Benchmarks to Campaigns in bulk via Ads Manager Bulk Import.

1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing - Advertising tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

2. Click the Options icon in the top right corner of the Ads Manager window and select Download Import Template.

3. In the Bulk Import Template pop-up window, select the fields specific to which you want your Bulk Import standard template.

4. Once you have provided the details, click Download Import Template in the bottom-right corner. You can then save the import template in your system.

5. In the Bulk Import Template file, provide all the benchmarking details.

  • Set the benchmarking in your bulk import file under the following optional headers for each ad entity level:

    • Cost Benchmark

    • Cost Benchmark Value

    • Rate Benchmark

    • Rate Benchmark Value

  • The Cost and Rate Benchmarking metrics will be available as a drop-down in the template.

  • The Cost Benchmark Value and Rate Benchmark Value are to be provided in the Ad Account currency (with up to 2 decimal places) and Percentage (%) (with up to 2 decimal places), respectively.