How to Apply Ads Web Analytics to Existing Posts in Ads Manager


This article will cover the application of web analytics on an existing post.

More and more brands are launching ad posts focusing on obtaining impressions and engagement and then turning these Ads into conversion ones. With the previous engagements, the costs tend to be lower when the ads are later reused for conversion campaigns. Hence, the ability to change the Web Analytics profile of an ad to be reused without losing its engagements becomes significant.

In Sprinklr, you can select an existing Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest ad post to reuse in a campaign and apply a Web Analytics profile to the post. This will allow you to save time and avoid mistakes by reusing a post (without losing its previous engagements) and changing the web analytics profile without having to change the URL manually.


To Apply Web Analytics on an existing Post from Ads Manager


You can also apply a Web Analytics profile to existing Facebook and Instagram posts within Ads Manager via Macros and Bulk Import. The Post ID will remain the same for these posts.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, navigate to the Ads tab from the top dashboard bar.

  3. Clone the desired Facebook Ad you want to reuse click the View and Edit icon alongside the copy. When an existing Ad is cloned, we will retain the Post ID. Learn more about cloning an Ad in Clone Ad Entities.

  4. In the Edit pane to the right, scroll down to the Creative section and select a Web Analytics profile from the drop-down menu. The web analytics will be mapped to the URL parameters field.
    Apply Web Analytics in Ads Manager

  5. From the bottom-right corner of the Edit window, click Review Changes to review your changes.

  6. On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes in the bottom right corner.