How to Apply Ads Web Analytics to URL Parameter Fields in Ads Composer


This article will cover the application of Web Analytics from Ads Composer in the URL parameter field of an Ad Variant. This is applicable for Facebook channel ads with any of the below two criteria:

  • Any Post Type of Store Visits or Product Catalog Sales ad objective.

  • Collection Ads of any ad objective excluding App Installs.

To Apply Web Analytics to URL Parameters from Ads Composer

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Facebook ad account.

  3. Within the Campaign Details tab, select from Product Catalog Sales, Store Visits, or any other ad objective that supports Collection Ads (Conversions or Traffic) excluding App Installs.
    Selecting Product Catalog Sales or Store Visits as the ad objective

  4. Follow the workflow to create your campaign. For more information, see Compose Facebook and Instagram Ads.

  5. Within the Creatives tab, click Create new creative to create a new ad creative. 

  6. Select Collection Ad as your Post Type for objectives other than Product Catalog Sales or Store Visits. You can select any post type for Product Catalog Sales or Store Visits objective.

  7. Under the Creative Details section, enter the field details according to your selected post type. 

  8. From the Web Analytics drop-down menu, select the web analytics to be applied to the URL Parameter field.

  9. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your changes and click Next.

  10. Within the Advanced Configuration tab, you can view the Ad Sets in the left-side pane and make changes to individual ads. Click on an Ad to view the web analytics applied to the URL Parameters field.


If you have filled the URL Parameters field, then your input and Sprinklr Web Analytics will be merged. In case of the same parameters, your input will be given a higher priority.

Applying Web Analytics to URL Parameters field in Ads Composer

11. Click Next and proceed to publish your campaign.