About Tiered Approvals


Tiered approvals allow you to define the steps in an approval workflow. By creating a tiered approval process, you are creating an approval path that a message has to go through before getting published. Users can create sets of approval paths that they can apply directly to the post while publishing it through the publishing window.

What is a Tiered Approval?

Tiered approvals are used for the approval path via publishing a post or broadcasting an announcement through Sprinklr. By creating a tiered approval process, you are creating an approval path that a message has to go through before getting published.  If you want to know how to create one such tiered approval for your brand, you can refer to the article - Create a tiered approval for more information.

Why should you use approval workflows?

The approval process brings together all stakeholders who have a hand in content production. The approval process is a plan to oversee all aspects of messaging, branding, format, and quality during production. By establishing this process, brands are able to control the digital materials they publish for customers and ensure all of it aligns with their policies and expectations.

  1. Keep Content Pipelines Moving - Just about every brand today requires approval before publishing content. But without an efficient system in place, content can hit a brick wall and wind up idling. In light of this, having a publishing approval process ensures that the right team members can access, review, and decide on content in a timely manner. This keeps content pipelines moving and prevents backlogs from accruing. 

  2. Reduce Risk - Content can be a tremendous asset for a brand—something that can drive sales and influence customers. However, it can also be a significant liability. Thus, the publishing approval process reduces risk by holding team members accountable for what they publish. Having multiple people review content for accuracy helps improve safety and increases confidence in business content.

  3. Ensure Optimal Quality - Brands have a responsibility to produce high-quality, impactful content. But content is often complex and requires careful scrutiny and polishing in order to be effective. By creating a publishing approval process, companies have an easier time enforcing quality standards for their content. This leads to stronger content and better ROI. 

  4. Editing Is Possible Even After Publishing - Imagine that any user published the post the traditional way, and while going through it later, you find a typo somewhere in there. What do they do? In the case of a publishing approval process, approvers can quickly update the content of the post and rectify the error.