Publishing scenarios after approval


 In this article we will cover the various scenarios possible after the approval process is set for a post in Sprinklr.

What happens after post is sent for Approval

When it comes to the actual publication time, there are three possible scenarios:

  • The submitter has not scheduled the post. When the approver approves the update it will be published instantly.

  • The submitter has scheduled the post, but the approver approved the update after the scheduled time. The post will be approved, but it will not be published instantly. Instead, it will go under the Pending Reschedule status in the Outbound Column. This post then can be rescheduled or recalled. 

Note: This capability needs specific set up. Get in touch with your Success Manager to enable this capability.

  • The submitter has scheduled the post and the approver approves it before the scheduled time. The post will go back to the Scheduled Message status and out for publication at the scheduled time.


Furthermore, you will receive an email informing you that your message was approved and published

Recalling a Published/Scheduled post 

You are able to recall a post once it has been sent through an approval path (or straight to the user) if the post is not yet published, and depending on the permissions, a user is able to reject it from the Planner or Monitoring. For example if the user is permissioned to the approval queue they will be able to recall the posts in that approval queue.

The entire content creation and approval process can be automated using a workflow.