Assignment Engine to Unified Routing Manual Migration


This article formalizes the process of migrating from the Assignment Engine to Unified Routing. Unified Routing is enabled by default for all new and upcoming clients from the start of partner configuration and setup. However, some clients may already be using the Assignment Engine for case assignments to agents or rule-based assignments.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal note:


General Reasons for Migration

  • Voice Enablement

  • Complexity of Rule-Based Assignment Workflows

  • Channel-Based or User Group Level Capacity Configuration

  • Support for Custom Channels

  • Assignment Settings on User Group Level

Difference between Unified Routing and Assignment Engine


Assignment Engine

Unified Routing


- Divided into two sections: Queue Based Routing (QBR) and Skill Based Routing (SBR)

- All queues are omnichannel except Voice.

- All queues are equivalent and omnichannel, including Voice.


- Assigned to agents at a user level.

- Can be assigned to agents at both user and user group levels.

Agent Capacity

- For QBR queues, agent capacity is defined in queue settings.

- For SBR queues, capacity is based on user-level configuration.

- Total capacity for a user assigned to both QBR and SBR queues is the sum of capacities defined at queue and user levels.

- Capacity configuration can be defined at individual or user group levels.

- During migration, ensure new configuration matches the agent capacity in Assignment Engine.

Channel Based Capacity Configuration

- Not Available

- Capacity can be defined based on the channel type of a case.

Overflow Capacity

- Not Available

- Allows defining overflow capacity to extend an agent’s default capacity for handling more cases.

Custom Channels

- Not Available

- Combine two or more standard channels to create custom channels.

- Additional functionalities include creating custom channels based on skills and custom fields tagged to a case.

Unified Routing Enablement Steps

To enable Unified Routing, follow the process outlined below in the specified order:

  • Enable Unified Routing in Sandbox/Staging Environment

  • Testing and Verification of Case Assignment Flow in Sandbox/Staging Environment

  • Enable Unified Routing in Production

The above steps should be executed in the top-to-bottom order. Detailed steps for each phase are described further in the document.

Enablement in Sandbox/Staging

  1. Refresh Sandbox/Staging Environment

    • Ensure the sandbox/staging environment is refreshed to have the latest configuration from the Live/Production environment. This minimizes the risk of assignment issues when Unified Routing is enabled in Live/Production.

  2. Remove Pending Assignments

    • If there are pending assignments in any work queue within the Assignment Engine, remove these cases from the work queue and assign them to a Case Queue (create a new case queue if necessary). This step is mandatory before before you get the feature enabled.

    • If there are pending cases in more than one work queue, create a separate case queue for each work queue. For example:

    Work Queue

    Pending Assignments

    Sample Case Queue to be Created

    Sales Queue



    Marketing Queue



    Operations Queue


    Case Queue not needed

  3. Reassign Cases

    Once you get the feature enabled, reassign the cases from the Case Queues (created in step 2) back to the Work Queues. This ensures the appropriate channel is tagged to the cases automatically by Unified Routing, which will be used to determine the capacity consumed by each case.

Testing and Verification of Case Assignment Flow in Sandbox/Staging Environment

After this is enabled in the Sandbox, the IC/PS/MS team must conduct thorough testing of all workflows and assignment use cases currently configured in the Assignment Engine.

  1. Create Capacity Profiles

    • Define consumed capacity for each channel according to customer requirements.

  2. Manage Skills

    • Create new skills if required and verify that all skills are assigned correctly to users.

  3. Verify Queue Configuration

    • Ensure that queues are configured correctly, including:

      • Routing Type

      • Routing Configuration

      • Assignees

      • Stickiness Settings

  4. Check Voice Settings

    • If Voice is enabled, confirm that voice settings are assigned correctly to users and user groups.

  5. Create and Test Dummy Cases

    • Create dummy cases from all customer channels/accounts and test whether they are assigned to agents as expected.

    • Check if the correct channel is tagged on the case when it enters the Work Queue.

  6. Verify Case Assignment

    • Ensure case assignment is done according to priority rank.

    • If Skill-Based Routing is used, confirm that cases are assigned only to agents with all required skills.

    • Check if cases are consuming capacity according to the defined capacity profiles.

    • Verify that stickiness settings are functioning as expected.

    • Ensure that post-assignment rules are being triggered correctly.

  7. Monitor Queue Metrics

    • Check that Queue Monitoring metrics (e.g., SLA% for Voice Cases, Average Wait Time, Estimated Wait Time) are displaying data accurately. If any issues arise, raise a support ticket.

  8. Test Additional/New Use Cases

    • For any additional or new use cases, implement necessary configuration changes and test the assignment flow. If assistance is needed, reach out to the Product Team.

Note: For Voice enablement, a different process is required. Please work with your Success Manager.

Enablement Steps in Live/Production

The request for enabling Unified Routing in the Production/Live environment can be approved only when all steps of the Sandbox/Staging enablement have been successfully completed. If any issues are found during the implementation of Unified Routing in Sandbox, enablement for Production will be denied.

  1. Remove Pending Assignments

    • If there are pending assignments in any work queue within the Assignment Engine, remove those cases from the work queue and assign them to a Case Queue (create a new case queue if necessary). This step is mandatory before before you get the feature enabled.

    • If there are pending cases in multiple work queues, create a separate case queue for each one. For example:

    Work Queue

    Pending Assignments

    Sample Case Queue to be Created

    Sales Queue



    Marketing Queue



    Operations Queue


    Case Queue not needed

  2. Approval Process

    • The Configuration and Enablement Team will seek approval from the Product Team. They will review the completion of Sandbox testing with the PS/IC Team.

    • Upon successful validation of the details, the enablement request will be sent for approval to Unmesh Desale (

  3. Timing of Enablement

    • The Configuration and Enablement Team will only enable Unified Routing in Production during Non-Business Hours. Enablement should occur at least 3 hours prior to the start of business hours to allow the IC/PS team time to set up and verify the configuration.

  4. Make Outbound Changeset

    • Create an outbound changeset from Sandbox to the Live environment, which will include all configured Queues, Skills, Capacity Profiles, and Agent settings.

  5. Testing in Live Environment

    • Conduct one round of testing for case assignment in the Live environment by assigning test cases to test agents.

Post Enablement Steps and Sanity

After the enablement of Unified Routing, the IC/PS/MS team must monitor case assignments during working hours. If any issues are reported, please contact the Sprinklr Support team at for assistance.